why take strontium on empty stomach

why take strontium on empty stomach

I remember when my mother was dying from hip fracture + congestive heart failure along with my 23 year old cat, who we were giving fluids several times a day because of her kidney failure I was so stressed out and sad that I lost TONS of hair. Strontium Boost provides 680 mg of strontium citrate (not 680 mg of elemental strontium), in the 2 capsule dose. This is to lighten the load on your kidneys. Human beings cannot properly fully digest gluten even if no apparent digestive upset occurs, it still is provoking at least 5 different and very nasty immune system reactions, plus causing a leaky gut. I disagree actually, this attempt to frighten you into not giving your dog his weekly can of sardines is so over the top, it made me laugh. In monkeys killed at the end of exposure (13 or 52 weeks), Sr was taken up in a dose-dependent manner into compact and cancellous bone, with a higher content in new bone than in old bone. Unlike other meals, we almost always eat breakfast on a completely empty stomach. What everyone heard about was radioactive strontium for building atomic bombs and no company was willing to launch healthful strontium products with public perception as it was. ), and your desire to get off Symbicort as quickly as possible (also a goood idea since glucocorticoids cause osteoporosisheres a very recent paper on this if your doctor is not already aware of it den Uyl D, Bultink IE, Lems WF. I follow the Bresdan protocol, eat a whole foods Keto diet, am gluten,dairy,soy and sugar free, walk 3 miles daily, and eat organic 90% of the time. Bottom line you can get plenty of calcium cow-free! She does the bio-est, but is expensive and scary. I do much better with starchy whole vegetables like potatoes, yams, corn, beets, winter squash. I will look into the Algaecal when my stock of Ca/Mg supps gets down to reorder level. I have already purchased Drs Best Strontium Bone Maker (Strontium Citrate), and wonder if, in your opinion, Strontium Boost is a better product. PMID: 21925296: In animal research, female rats whose ovaries had been removed (the standard protocol used to simulate human menopause) were given strontium chloride over a 2-month period. I went with my BMD report to a bone doctor which prescribed me with Strontium Renalate suspension. We are not routiney so there aren't set times when there must be . This is what each is discussing: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12667548/ this paper is discussing a relationship between estrogen exposure (specifically, in a group of older women, many of whom were on conventional hormone replacement [HRT]), BMD and breast cancer risk. Toxicology 7, 11-21. Radioactive strontium is not sold as supplements! So, the issue you bring up is an imporant and valid one. A special form of strontium called strontium ranelate can increase bone formation and prevent bone loss when used in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Hi Anne, what you are doing sounds great. I was wondering what your thoughts are regarding taking strontium citrate along with Boron to help build stronger bones? as the basis for the exercise recommendations used brief (10-15 minute) periods of exercise, and these included several minutes for warming up and several for cooling down, so time spent at the high impact level was around 5 minutes per session. Thank you so much for your feedback. Combined with X-ray diffraction and secondary Raman spectroscopic images, it was demonstrated that strontium was dose-dependently taken up by the bone mineral and heterogeneously distributed in compact and cancellous bone, with a higher amount in newly formed bone tissue than in old bone tissue. K2 is required to activate the proteins that regulate where calcium is deposited in your body: Osteocalcin, which delivers calcium to bone where you want it, and Matrix Gla protein, which prevents calcium from depositing in soft tissues including your coronary arteries where you dont. Thank you. This would explain your loss of height. If you are taking 680 mg/d, cut this back to 340 mg/d; the latest research indicates you will still receive significant benefit from this lower dosage. Thus, I am unable to read the paper in which 170 mg of strontium is said to be more effective, so I do not know what was done and cannot give you more helpful feedback on this. I immediately started with my Calcium this morning at breakfast, I take Strontium 2 hrs after lunch everyday. If you are going to use up your current supplement, be sure you are getting twice as much calcium as strontium from your food and the supplements you are taking. For most people, 3 hours or even 2 hours will be sufficient. Hi Dennis, I hope this answers your question and again, am delighted to hear your bones are in excellent health! It would be very helpful if you could clarify. I have severe osteoporosis at age 56. Nonethelss, I believe this may indicate suboptimal vitamin K2 status, plus many studies have now demonstrated that vitamin K (and specifically K2) is needed for healthy bones and to prevent calcification of arteries and other soft tissues. Vitamin D3, K2 (MK-7), magnesium, boron, vitamin C all are essential for bone health). elemental vs. compound). Bone. Both the strontium and thecalcium supplements are absorbed in our gastrointestinal tracts using the same mechanism. Heres a link to my talk on TBS: https://blog.algaecal.com/how-to-analyze-your-dexa-results-for-bone-quality/ The really good news is that your DXA images can be used to calculate your TBS, so please request that this be done for you when you go in for your next DXA. Large doses of vitamin C, zinc, and iron, in particular, can upset an empty . I need your views. I thought this might be in one of the two papers you kindly provided links to, but I could not find anything re thyroid in these, and I have seen nothing suggesting this in any of the papers on natural forms of strontium that I have read. No worries it took me months to figure this out. Upon completion of this initial study, a second study was done to look at the effects of three different versions of an AlgaeCal bone-health supplement program. "Certain nutrients found in multivitamins can upset our stomachs or even make us nauseous," says dietitian Caitlin Beale, M.S., R.D.N. They are the result of strontiums bone-building effects on a very wide range of key molecules involved in healthy bone remodeling. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The intestinal permeabilities of 14 drugs and three drug-like compounds with different absorption mechanisms in rat and human jejunum were determined by in situ intestinal perfusion. The reason 4 hours is recommended is that even if your digestion is slower than normal, you will have absorbed any calcium that was present in your meal or supplements by then. Theres a wee bit of disagreement as to how much somewhere between 40% and 50%. Re wheat I have just wrapped up my review of Alessio Fassanos lecture on wheat/gluten-containing grains at the Institute for Functional Medicines 2013 symposium. She had test results from a strontium/serum/plasma/urine test that far exceeded the normal ranges. Looking forward to your response. [Article in Japanese] PMID: 27628553. Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. Dr. Wright recently commented to me that he thinks it best to start out with 680 mg of strontium citrate daily, but then to drop down to half this dosage or even a bit less once good results have been achieved. Inspired by her family history of osteoporosis and her own battle with low bone density, Lara Pizzorno has devoted more than thirty years to researching how to prevent bone loss and restore bone health. I will check out the digestion issue. You can get it at the following link. Triple Power delivers EPA/DHA and two potent anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin and astaxanthin. My results have been excellent after 10 months of using AlgaeCal as my source of supplemental calcium, I had my DXA run. 2002-2023 AlgaeCal. Meunier, P. J., Roux, C., Seeman, E., Ortolani, S., Badurski, J. E., Spector, T. D., Please dont apologize for asking such interesting questions, especially since the answers to them could have very significant practical relevance for human health. In men, a small loss is detected in 40-year olds, which increases to a loss of about -0.8% per year into old age. Strontium and calcium compete and calcium always wins so to get the most benefit from your strontium, take it at least 2 hours before or after having calcium supplements or foods rich in calcium. Plus I am getting MK-7 in my multiple as well. (So it could have been di-Sr, a mixture or something else.) Please call us at 1-800-820-0184 if you have any questions, and any one of our Bone Health Consultants would be so happy to help , Hi Lara, I have read articles on the internet that say Strontium Citrate can cause hair loss. Thank you for all your help, will run that info by the allergist, and also check with GYN-possibly DHEA could help. Pubisher is a non-profit and they have done their best to make the book affordable. Take your strontium before bedtime at night. Both strontium and citrate are natural substances that are highly beneficial to and are utilized within the body ideally, the majority of the strontium in strontium citrate supplements is absorbed into bone, increasing bone mass and strength. Absorbed ranelic acid is rapidly eliminated unchanged via the kidneys., http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Referrals_document/Protelos_and_Osseor/European_Commission_final_decision/WC500173031.pdf, Neither statement appears to be consistent with current research. For some drugs, it's advisable to take them with food because the physiological changes that occur in your body create an ideal environment for the absorption of the medication. Ranelic acid is a new to nature compound, synthesized in a lab by a pharmaceutical company so they could combine it with strontium and thus patent the result the purpose of this is to make money, no other reason. If they have good independent quality control assurances, then their strontium citrate product should be fine. You should wait at least 2 hours after having these . In this study, 10 female volunteers recruited as part of the Ryerson and McMaster University Strontium (Sr) in Bone Research Study had their bone strontium levels measured as they self-supplemented with strontium supplements of their choice (all used strontium citrate) over a 4-year period. Who can I ask about the optimal frequency of DEXA tests so I am properly monitoring my bone density? for vitamin D is 400 IUs and the plain and plus give 1000 IUs and 800 IUs respectively, but they both say they deliver 100% of the D.V., shouldnt it say 250% and 200% correspondingly? Be well! I reread my post this morning before I read yours. Aquamin has done one absorption study where PTH response is measured. Our dentist is Dr. Carie, and the lead author of a recent paper on mens fish consumption, omega-3 levels and sperm count and activity is named Attaman. In the research, approximately 50% of the increase seen in BMD over 3 years of treatment with strontium was due to strontiums larger size, AND 50% of the increase seen in BMD was accurate. 2012 Mar 26;12(1):12. Besides, strontium has been shown to reduce fracture risk independent of bone density. You are supporting your bone health by taking AlgaeCal Plus along with ensuring your diet is providing adequate calcium from healthful, organic whole foods, such as leafy greens, organic dairy products from grass-fed cows, organic GMO-free soyfoods correct? Hi Alma, Also avoid fast foods and most restaurant foods these are typically loaded with sodium chloride. Also, you want to consume approximately twice as much calcium (from food and supplements) as strontium. I do not know what your multivitamin contains. Of course, happy to do what I can to be of help, and yes, each of us is our own best advocate, although you are definitely in good hands if you are working with a fully IFM certified functional medicine physician and nutritionist. Am I being foolish to be so conservative my next DEXA will be in about 4-5 months. The key issue regarding the safety of natural forms of strontium is calcium intake, which to err on the side of safety, should be at least double that of the amount of strontium consumed. Within 10 months of using AlgaeCal Plus, my 2012 DXA showed BMD 3.2% in my hip, and 6% in my spine from 2011. Even at the highest dose of 255 mg Sr21/kg per day, the apatite crystals in the treated animals were intermediates between a physiologic calcium hydroxyapatite and an apatite where one calcium atom out of ten was substituted by a strontium atom. Is this a test that those of us taking strontium citrate should request of our doctors? You can Google us if you want our full resumes. We have a printable information sheet summarizing our products & the human clinical studies if you would like to share it with your doctor here. I find if I am good about taking my vitamin A and Triple Power, I am rarely sore the next day. But natto has a very strong smell and a slimy texture and most westerners dont like it. Natural strontium salts (strontium citrate) are safe when consumed in the correct dose and with the proper amount of calcium. The concept of two different phases involved in the uptake of strontium into bone has since been generally accepted that is, a relatively rapid uptake into new bone and long-term exchange processes in old bone., (Lara comment the new bone referred to here is trabecular bone; a much slower second phase of uptake occurs in cortical bone. I dont know what type of exercise regimen you follow, but in both exercises and your daily activities, it is very important NOT to do movements that flex your spine forward into a big C curve. In addition to reading your blog I also read a blog from an osteoporosis site. Hi Linda, Natural strontium salts (as opposed to strontium ranelate and radioactive strontium) are not harmful to the human body and can enhance bone mineral density when taken with calcium. If there is a synergistic effect here, that might help explain the exceptional results seen when strontium is added to a bone building regimen. I do take adequate amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamin d3. Marilyn, Sorry, used to the post preview at NOH, lots of booboos! I look forward to your response on this as well. 1, pp. Strontiums effect of increasing OPG production was a key factor in the following bone-protective outcomes: greater trabecular bone volume, an increase in the number of trabecular bone cells, larger areas of the bone surface occupied by osteoid cells (osteoid is the last step before final mineralization occurs to produce fully developed new bone tissue), [all trabecular bone] an increase in bone formation rate, and fewer, smaller areas of bone in which osteoclasts were active. study, the exercises were conducted during short breaks from work at the office. I suggest you consider taking both AlgaeCal Plus and Triple Power. I bought some and was determined to eat it regularly. 2003;14 Suppl 3:S19-24. It clearly explains the different strontium forms and why the natural form of strontium- strontium citrate- is beneficial (and safe) for your bones. I recently had a DEXA scan which showed some improvement in my bone density. We have found in the more than 6,000 patients we have now tested in a health promotion project we have been involved in up in Calgary that virtually everyone needs at least 2,000 IU per day, many need 5,000 IU per day or even more.) Sorry, do not mean to hammer on you with questions. Great to hear that you are definitely in normal range or in the one area you mention having a T score of -0.6, are barely osteopenic! None of the articles however, showed 170 mg to be more effective than 680 mg. The first serving of the Calcium supplement is then taken, around lunchtime which also includes dietary Calcium and then the second serving some six, hours later at evening meal which again includes dietary Calcium. Three women in the exercise group experienced musculoskeletal problems that required minor modifications in their training regimen. J Bone Miner Res 2000;15:1526-36.) Hope this helps. From Laras Comment at bottom of: Strontium Side Effects are Overblown Get the Facts: Strontium is almost twice as large as calcium, and its larger size does affect DXA readings. With questions Power delivers EPA/DHA and two potent anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin and.. Strontium citrate ( not 680 mg of key molecules involved in healthy remodeling! Dexa tests so i am getting MK-7 in my bone density when consumed in the correct dose and the. Then their strontium citrate product should be fine bone loss when used in postmenopausal women with.... A special form of strontium citrate along with Boron to help build bones... To lighten the load on your kidneys of our doctors the load on your kidneys supps down! 2 hours will be sufficient citrate should request of our doctors blog i read! Taking my vitamin a and Triple Power delivers EPA/DHA and two potent anti-inflammatory compounds curcumin and astaxanthin 2 hours having... 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