why do doctors describe patients as pleasant

why do doctors describe patients as pleasant

This ". had that happened, there may have been significant ramifications to my sons health. For more Canadian health research, analysis, commentaries, and blogs visit CMAJ.ca. And don't forget to check out Internet Party 2: An Intervention for MySpace to see which sites you shouldn't be inviting to your next intervention. But I think they can put those in kind words.. The larger issue is the amount of time I waste when clients request a copy of blood test results and want an explanation as to why I told them the tests were normal, when there was a laboratory value a point above I usually use pleasant to say two things: (a) they are nice and (b) their neurologic status is good enough to demonstrate personality traits. As a medical student, I was always taught to never put anything in a note that I wouldnt say in front of the Notably, residents expressed more negative attitudes than medical students, possibly reflecting the ethical erosion that can occur as trainees pick up biases modelled in clinical settings. Examining patients. to be sure everything is okay. Well nourished means healthy. fact way when this first came to light. Words reflect and shape our thinking, as well as the narratives that people take for granted about race, power, health, and medicine, the authors explain. Good doctors vs. bad hospitals: the battle for patient care, The physician-patient connection: Ensuring mutual understanding, The power of personal stories in vaccination awareness, The comfort of colleagues: a story of love and loss in palliative care, The pebble versus the rock: a case for mental health reform, Combining academic medicine and private practice: a success story, The hidden dangers of the Nebraska Heartbeat Act, Breaking down the broken medical system: a physicians eye-opening experience with patient neglect, The rise of direct pay: a solution to the fragmented, impersonal and costly medical system, A tale of medical malpractice, the legal system, and a fight for justice, Voices unheard: the plight of patients and clinicians in the health care system, Healing clinician-associated trauma: a call for connection, Gaslighting and dismissal: the consequences of invalidating patients concerns. 4 Instead of truly feeling superior, he instead, truly feels inferior. And I only use negative adjectives if it's really relevant and can be backed up with a factual description - eg swearing, threatening, expectorating, testiculating, that sort of thing. I want to read the notes. "I don't think the medical record is the best place to sort out discord between a patient and a provider.". I was surprised that people are put-off by well-nourished.. I do use this one, but only if the person is truly unfortunate (like, on top of their medical problem, they also got stevens-johnson from the treatment or whatever). Using a sophisticated multivariable analysis controlling for amiability and sex, my crack research team found a highly significant (p<0.001) independent association between advancing age and receiving praise for yourpersonality. That seems patronizing.) Unexamined narratives that uphold the status quo limit the questions clinicians ask, the solutions they develop and how they describe problems. Furthermore, Ive observed certain patterns proving were not all equally eligible to make the grade. lab test slip and tell me to wait 2 weeks and get the test if I didnt feel better by then. As for rude things in charts, allowing What if Arnold actually took the role in Stop! I know that some physicians have been critiqued for their language in this, and "Socialstyrelsen" reflects this with the pt being able to challenge and remove certain parts of journal if found in agreement with the supervisional entity "IVO". ', Slang is used 'commonly with people of color, people using drugs,' he says. If you liked that you'll probably enjoy our look at 5 Douchebag Behaviors Explained by Science. Executioners? That is changing, however. That these people in the OpenNotes project are pioneering Doctors also use the FLK to describe babies that don't have a clear diagnosis, but whose 'abnormal' appearance suggests that there may be something wrong with them. Typically this happens with very old people, those with suddenly aggravated chronic health problems, or people with inoperable cancer, soon resulting in a "healthy tumor" (a dead patient). It was awful. Leon McDougle, MD, professor of family medicine, Ohio State University; chief diversity officer, OSU's Wexner Medical Center. When the medical staff encounters a strange complaint that doesn't meet any known diagnostic criteria. Seriously, do the comments on every medical story have to deteriorate to doctor bashing? thrilling is to see your long-time Primary Care Physician looking as frazzled as Dr. Irwin Corey and insing on hovering over his laptop as he updates your examination record. I wonder: If you were, in fact, trending-on-overweight in your past several visits, and saw that note, how would you feel? Your health questions answered by Times journalists andexperts. beat Prescribing medications. But if you think about it for a moment, doesnt this lovely imply something demeaning and patronizing about the label? 'Dolores' translates to pain so this 'literally means total body pain,' the doctor says. We write, WNWD to abbreviate, well-nourished, well-developed, as in, not obese, but not skinny and frail either. I was just wondering if you had any experience with patients commenting on the contents of their journals, that's all. "One, it doesnt have anything to do with the treatment plan; two, patients have the right to review their record, so putting something that may not be relationship-building would lead to further distancing of that patient and provider," says McDougle, a professor of family medicine at Ohio State University and chief diversity officer at OSU's Wexner Medical Center. The specificity and problem notes with vanish underground Ruminating over this note-writing style, I checked in with a longtime colleague and friend to get her assessment; shes an experienced physician of mature years (that was her preferredidentification). But researchers also point to possible downsides: Patients may panic if their doctor speculates in writing about cancer or heart disease, leading to a flood of follow-up calls and e-mails. A patient earns the title 'status dramaticus' when they are a '10/10 [for pain] always, although they look fine,' the Chicago doctor says. Everything hurts and they make sure you know about it,' he says. And some doctors will note those comments. Regarding the blog topic, I think everybody should have access to their medical records. gasp! What if theyre having a bad day, reducing their loveliness? Dont presume an 8-minute visit once a year (or less) gives you some kind of wonderful, magical insight The chief problem with obsessing over electronic records, billing procedures and medical Behavioral questions are some of the most common interview questions asked. or below the normal range on the labs printout. Not listed among the official codes is the Slow Code, meaning the patient is dying, and not to worry too much about it. If you get labeled as difficult or noncompliant -- you didnt follow the doctors orders -- you may want to talk it over with your doctor, Fedson says. Getting that mess cleaned I chart stalked her the next day as I was interested in the outcome of her case and found that both of her consultants had used the adjective "pleasant" in their notes. Although 'doloroes' means pain in Latin, a rather medical language, it means the same thing in Spanish, as well as being a woman' name. Emotionally, to me though, it made a world of difference. and offensive is appalling. If a person is really so pleasant or delightful or lovely that their doctor wants to praise them in the medical record, who am I to deny them this generosity? Let the record show that certain clinicians of every level of experience do this. But researchers also point to possible downsides: Patients may panic if their doctor speculates in writing about cancer or heart disease, leading to a flood of follow-up calls and e-mails. Using a sophisticated multivariable analysis controlling for amiability and sex, my crack research team found a highly significant (p<0.001) independent association between advancing age and receiving praise for yourpersonality. You may request it for one reason, then see that doctors noted other things that are scary -- like your risk of cancer or Alzheimers. person who made the beached whale comment. 'As medical providers, on an unspoken level, I think [using these terms] is a coping mechanism, to make light of really difficult situations,' Dr Wang says. which is shorthand for mildly enlarged lymph nodes., To learn more, read the full story, What the Doctor Is Really Thinking. And see Dr. Pauline Autopsy and donation discussed with family and refused. the patients to see their records would bring that kind of passive aggressive and hostile behavior to a screeching halt. In a twist, she wrote back thefollowing: er, except for this. One physician described me as anxious when I Whether or not the basic facts are correct, medical records are often filled with derogatory comments blaming the patients attitude (implicitly or explicitly) for the physicians failure to show basic Primary care physicians commonly check for: high blood pressure other risk factors for heart disease high cholesterol diabetes mellitus breast, cervical, prostate, and colorectal cancers. It really bothered her. Noncompliant. Secrecy is another thing they do not deserve. me and my post-birth frustration nil. There is no use for it, no justification for it, and it is downright dangerous and destructive on many levels (lawsuits driving insurance premiums People, youre lucky if your doctor gets your race and sex correct. Just beautiful, doc. T: Task - Explain what task must be completed to resolve the situation. that abrupt is completely accurate, and that the latter three were intended to assess whether I was able to function enough to engage in personal hygiene and eat relatively well (vegetables ,etc). We had one MD who wrote on a chart, Pt. What It Means: Patient Reassured And Told to Fuck Off. The concern among some doctors, that access to medical records will result in many more phone calls to explain whats written, is legitimate especially for primary care docs who are already pressed for Who do you think are the most cynical people in the world? Post your answers and new questions below or email them to nq@theguardian.com. It urges doctors to share their notes more readily with patients -- both as a medical strategy and to build patient-doctor trust -- ideally through secure online portals. Multiple vague complaints. First,women earn way more praise (ahem) thanmen: (Data from a highly scientific review of several thousand medical charts. She unleashed a litany of nonsensical complaints the likes of which I have never seen, nor hope to ever encounter again. So, that's where I put it, in the physical exam, right there along with the vitals. Do you have other code words that you describe patients with? something NEW and different is quite a revelation. If you use the word "pleasant" in your charts, what does it mean to you? British Columbia trials drug decriminalization. As a veterinarian, my patient notes may include abbreviations not understood by my clients, but non-professional comments about beached whales do not belong in the medical record of any creature about malpractice and giving patients ready access to written records may forestall some misunderstandings, but its also a paper trail for a lawyer. I waited to see the doctor. The downside is, it may scare the hell out of you.. No. I am sure clear communication on a medical staff through written records is vital to competent care in a hospital where multiple units may be involved in treatments. wasnt feeling any anxiety (beyond the normal slight worry that anyone feels when they go to the doctor with a medical problem). When the doctor-patient relationship includes competence and communication, typically there is better adherence to treatment. The person who seems uncooperative might be depressed or traumatized. It can hardly come as a surprise to the obese that they are, in fact obese. Not their feelings. I would never write that in a chart. Doctors are one important agent through which that scientific understanding is expressed. Isnt she lovely? Cops? I might describe a patient as scared or nervous, but usually I try to document some behaviour as not making eye contact, sweating, fidgeting or crying. Good point. the one size fits all diagnosiss rather than realize that every person can be slightly different in how their bodies work. Most doctors would never write disparaging You try to give people the benefit of the doubt.". When a patient comes into the ER more hysterical than ill, the doctor reassures the patient and asks them to leave. specifically, mental/psychological health.). In a recent interview with Daily Mail Online, he also said that this term is often used particularly to describe people who physicians suspect are hunting for pain medication. up took weeks. Routinely, these writers witness physicians joking that Latina/Latino patients suffer from "Hispanic Hysterical Syndrome" or . This story happens every week in clinics like mine and it's got to stop, MKSAP: 44-year-old man with HIV, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, An infectious disease doctor answers your COVID-19 and coronavirus questions. The paper trail of documenting a patient's behaviour is very beneficial in the future if a psychiatric evaluation were started where erratic behaviour was already documented or if psychiatric institualization is being considered. She had a recent diagnosis of a potentially life-threatening condition and was in the ED for a serious complication related to this diagnosis. In a report on the At the time wise thought "how nice" now I'm wondering if it's the opposite. In other words, a kind 90-year-old retired accountant named Mabel is vastly more likely to be cited as lovely than a cheerful 25-year-old finance manager named Jacob, even when both had similar scores for friendliness. Ive been a medical transcriptionist for 25 years and its one of the single most common phrases used Not fat. I am still upset by that off-handed comment. Imagine if I were obese and read that. And in an era where increasingly patients have access to their medical notes a move I strongly support, by the way how do they feel if in some notes theyre described as delightful, and others they are not? But discrimination is institutionalized and dangerous in medicine, according to Dr Peter Muennig and Dr Alex Green of Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital, and it's worth knowing some of these terms that doctors may use to mask the severity of a situation or downright insult you (warning: some of these are offensive). Please read the rules carefully before posting or commenting. If they indicate they dont believe me, I can go find another doctor. What It Means: Chronic Biscuit Toxicity. Savitri Fedson, MD, associate professor, Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. It is a legal document. If I want to say fat I dictate over weight, obese, or morbidly obese. Medical facts are medical facts. Chens follow-up Doctor and Patient column, Should Patients Read the Doctors Notes?, I read a note one time about myself that stated I was well nourished.. On the subject of sharing doctors notes, what struck me in the Journal article was this: ** The old narrative is that we had to protect doctors from patients, but weve found that patients are When It's Used: Another study published in JAMA Network Open last year identified common ways that doctors express negative feelings about patients in their notes, including questioning a patient's credibility, disapproving of their reasoning, or portraying them as difficult. Those words can be seen as placing a value on the particular patient. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Press J to jump to the feed. Ha! Is it some kind of code, and if so, what for? 'When you have patients showing up drunk every single night, always overdosing, not taking their blood pressure medications and coming in because of it, it becomes easy to blame patients, though I don't think you should,' says one New York doctor. There are no confirmed cases of babies surviving at 22 weeks or earlier, which means that children born then are less likely to live than someone who just jumped off the Empire State Building. The medical mafia succeeds in gatekeeping medicines and overcharging for the visit to renew a $4 prescription. Patient is really fat. 'This is someone that wails shrieks, howls so loudly you can hear them from the hallways. are not affiliated, at least as far as I know. "As a primary care physician, you have to view the patient as having a lifelong relationship with you, so you have to use the right words and engender some trust," he says. Though DOCTORS get high marks for streamlining payment so Not to be confused with the dance style, doctors use 'crumping' when they have a patient that is 'crashing, but not aggressively,' the Chicago doctor told Daily Mail Online. Same here, if I'm documenting mental status or a psych exam then it indicates that the patient is exhibiting appropriate prosocial behavior. Can you find out whats on your record, and if you dont like something on it, can you get it changed? I am the body in question and have a good look, doc. Adults in B.C. It's much more politically correct than "argumentative," "quarrelsome," or "unpleasant.". Seeing it in your medical records might be a good clue bat. Any doctor who would write a derogatory comment about a patient in a medical chart is a fool who deserves whatever consequences he/she gets for it. And Medicaid does pay less than the other major insurers: Based on its own data, the average initial claim filed is $98 for Medicaid patients, whereas Medicare averages $137 and private insurers . oculus dexter, or right eye, not for overdose. Typically this includes a salvo of past medical history elements (i.e. Doctors might let slip and Please include name, address and phone number, Readers answer other readers questions on subjects ranging from trivial flights of fancy to profound scientific concepts, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, What's that all about? Other responsibilities include: Giving advice on diet, hygiene, and preventative care. We want to describe what a person has rather than asserting what a person is, Dawn Hatanaka of Obesity Canada told CMAJ. But if you click to the story, it takes you to the Wall Street Journals website. By the latter part of the century, however, patients with comorbid seizure disorders had noticed that their TN pains were alleviated by antiseizure medications, and neurologists capitaliz Continue Reading 1.2K 22 159 But pleasant, thats my code to myself for I like this person and I really want to do well by them. Assuming he exists, or cares. are used in chart notes to describe a patient, just like ill appearing or lethargic.. Or My Mom Will Shoot like Sly thought he would? Youll be surprised how many small, and sometimes significant, errors creep in typos, etc. The best outpatient letter I have ever read said something along the lines of "Dear Dr Bla Thank you for inflicting the misfortune of seeing this immensely unpleasant woman upon me. If a patient split from crotch to neck, sustained a shotgun wound to the chest, or fell twenty stories onto the pavement, then a great deal's up to a God. Sometimes doctors use the word "pleasant" to distinguish that patient from hostile ones. Comments that a patient appeared anxious , or was obese, are not intended to be insults, but descriptions of what the doctor is observing. eat for six monthsreal insightful and helpful, no? It may help you to confide in someone. As in, the patient has one. insurance companies, the legal system, and by the patients themselves. And guess what: obese and thin What does this imply about those we dont callpleasant? Understandably she was frightened and also in severe pain. I now only say pleasant if I really mean it, like if the patient is unusually lovely. The pompous, volatile sense of entitlement on the part of the consumer is just vicious. Every decade beyond age 60 yields a greater likelihood of earning one of these adjectives. Another study published in JAMA Network Open last year identified common ways that doctors express negative feelings about patients in their notes, including questioning a patient's credibility, disapproving of their reasoning, or portraying them as difficult. This includes doing . that some medical terms can be taken the wrong way by patients. In a 2021 statement on Indigenous-specific racism, the organization committed to recognizing all forms of racism as professional misconduct. shouldnt be unnecessarily mean. But it is worth a deeper dive because of its implications for patient treatment on both a personal and a health-care level, she says. I really cant fathom that an RN would not know what well nourished means. Personally, I find this more distracting than helpful, so I limit PMH to those relevant to the chief complaint. Get the best of Cracked sent directly to your inbox! In medicine, this slang is more than harmless insider-jargon: studies have shown that doctors' attitudes and discrimination toward patients can have a real affect on the treatment they receive and how well they recover. [exam]. ', He says he's seen this term used commonly to describe Latino patients in particularly. Everyone should review his/her medical record for accuracy, your insurance premium depends on it. Psychologists will tell you that someone who acts arrogant or superior, does so because he lacks self-confidence. to anything. Shouldnt the focus be on the actual Neither doctors, nor nurses, nor any other person trying to provide care or any other service is a saint. For instance, the phrase the patient appears SOB refers to shortness of breath, not a derogatory designation. You should probably also watch this video to find out why 7 Reasons the New Kid Rock Song is The Worst Ever Written. This is some new, a link from the Times to the Wall Street Journal I havent seen before. doctors are little more than glorified pill pushers who cant relate or much less acknowledge most of their patients as unique human individuals; most generally go by comments about their patients in a medical record. You may also hear Polydipose Dysfunction, BW (beached whale) and others, all of which are sure to see plenty of usage until some enlightened future when a doctor can just say the phrase "lard ass" to a patient's face. We have the same name (Jr and III.) 'Patient refuses to list her medication, she tells me she already did that 9 months ago for Dr. X', 'Patient tells me with a raised voice that he refuses to wait any longer in the ER'. Its apparently impossible to buy off a guilty conscience, Me and my team of researchers are proud to report that water is wet, Rock slaps back this Saturday in the live Netflix special Selective Outrage, I sometimes wonder if fear isnt just Gods way of saying, Pay attention, this could be fun, Hes worse than a frickin shark with a laser beam strapped to its head. The argument is that if people of color are sicker and are dying at younger ages than white people, this may be because physicians have racial biases. Mom-of-five loses her leg after it was ravaged by flesh-eating superbug - after breaking her ankle while Do not sell or share my personal information. Is thatfair? Renfield gave Cage a taste for blood that hasn't been satisfied in one feeding. Medical charts are legal documents that can be reviewed by peers, Used to describe infants born at 23 weeks or earlier, where their survival rate is less than 1%. But shes the exception to the rule as noted above, most clinicians who use allof these terms (including pleasant) start right at the top of their note, or when theyre finishingup. My own doctor would write RO [name of obscure horrible disease]. file (and perhaps vice versa, I dont remember). You know it goes like this: "CC: Ms. Smith is a very pleasant 62-year-old woman admitted with " or: This mentality is the reason why doctors feel the need to be protected from patients, and why many of them end up distrusting and distancing themselves from patients. It turns out RO means rule out. quacks who have been treating them. 'Language barriers are a big discriminatory factor,' says Dr Green. To #8: Yes, there may be occasional bad apples, and occasionally a caregiver may be under severe personal stress and not functioning up to par, but still, only a saint can avoid reacting to another persons can now possess small quantities of certain illegal drugs without legal repercussions. I don't use anything that are clearly insulting, but to me pleasant means actually pleasant. Medical jargon is pretty impossible for most patients to follow, but some of the terms you hear your doctor use may just be insulting industry jargon. let the patient know what they REALLY thought or use a common euphemism like Gomer commonly used in wings with lots of old people. Journals website skinny and frail either enjoy our look at 5 Douchebag Behaviors Explained by.... 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