i hate being a nurse practitioner

i hate being a nurse practitioner

For every jerk med student who's condescending or mean to a nurse, there's 10 nurses doing it to undeserving med students. Varicose veins are one of the signs that Nursing is unlike any traditional 9 to 5 job. 1 Article They typically assess patient symptoms and diagnose and treat patients with acute symptoms in hospitals, trauma centers, urgent care, and ambulances. Wheelchair-bound woman, 60, pleads with cops while being arrested. I also cannot meet my RVUs for the day and I don't know what to do. Medical schools are tightly controlled so that the field doesn't become oversaturated with doctors, and the curriculums are standardized with little variance between them. Ratings: +1,838,934 / 320,943 / -175,671. honey8271 said: . So I'm double stuck. And what better way to do this is with the promise of a better future and use of government money. Doctors go to medical school for four years and then have specialty training after that. As a doc I can tell you I see this every day with other docs. New salary: Kindergarten and elementary, $53,760; high school, $56,310. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. You could do that in 2003. Common responsibilities of nurse practitioners include: gathering and recording patient medical histories diagnosing medical conditions, injuries, and acute illness writing prescriptions for. Maybe the poster thinks that all NPs are idiots--but he didn't say that and I think it's a stretch to infer it. What is a Career Break and is it Right for You? Ultimately the physicians will not tolerate the turf trampelling and NP's will either be forced to practice the way PA's do in all states, or they will get the fight of their lives. I am sure the AMA would rather get kicked in the balls multiple times before they would allow the credentialing of a fully online medical program from a fully for-profit university with teachers posting online quizzes and tests from their garage. Nice! Look, if you want to be doctor, go for it! hahah this made me laugh, but you're spot on. Sticking out a tough nurse practitioner employment situation may be in your best interests. You are on the other side of the brick wall now writing the orders for your old self to follow. Become a Part of the Nurse.org Community! I'm not even going to try to be diplomatic. I didn't go into nursing to do bedside anymore than a medical student gets a chemistry degree to be a chemist. I dont think the doctors had any problems with the arrangments since the NP's werent forced on them. There are a number of reasons you might hate your nurse practitioner job. Unless the RN goes into this experience with the knowledge that they have to learn how to be the person writing the orders and figuring out what's wrong and how to manage it, there is no benefit. I certainly agree with most of what you're saying, especially the stuff about the horrible schools being accredited, which is insane to me. But unfortunately, this is often limited by state and federal laws. Think long and hard about your dream job and how you can get there. Networking and Collaborating Is Invaluable to New NPs. Perhaps the clinic where you work is poorly managed or the expectations placed on you are unreasonable. Graduate Board Certified Adult- Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner from NYU Rory Meyers School of Nursing with 9 years of nursing experience in med-surg, critical care and post anesthesia. I was always the nurse who enjoyed floating, learning new things, and had friends all over the hospital. As a result, I am well-equipped to pursue a graduate degree in family nurse practitioner. Being a nurse practitioner is not for everyone. Nursing lobby is powerful, but when all the physician groups lobby together for something, they have power too. If there was, the amount of customers would severely be diminished. I only went to nursing school to become an NP. You try to rediscover the spark that drew you to nursing. All resources are student and donor supported. And thus far Ive not been able to really do that (as an NP) and it sucks! Nurse practitioners deliver primary and emergency care to patients, diagnose and treat illnesses, and prescribe medication. Clearly the OP does not feel that no one should become a nurse practitioner, and I'm sure he enjoys aspects of his job. However, there are many advantages to pursuing a doctor of nursing practice (DNP). It's accredited by the CCNE but I can't help like I'm being screwed out of an education. No better than a traditional scam in many cases. A good program will require a decent time commitment. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. You never know how long it will take to secure a new position. I am basically a strong supporter in the 'educational bubble' which I think is going to pop very soon. A few common reasons nurse practitioners tell me they no longer like their jobs or profession are: Pinpointing the reason for your dissatisfaction is a must to salvage your current position and/or avoid a similar situation moving forward. As a PA, I always had the option to walk down the hall and talk to my doc, and/or call him on the phone if he was not in the office. That means I have a REAL interest in an advance practice degree and what it teaches you - in fact, I ONLY have an interest in advanced practice degree. 208 Posts. Support our Movement and access exclusive content and benefits. And until then I will continue to work dually as a CNS. But just like sleeping for 8 straight hours, sitting down is a luxury for most nurses. o This is a big one. Corporate Health Consultant Corporate Health Consultants work with corporate outfits to develop stress reduction programs and welfare management programs for their employees. Yes, I think its fair to say that practicing as an NP is good, bad, and ugly. Ugh. So theres something to be said about really thinking things through before you decide to leave your current role and/or go back for more school. In California, as in many other states, CNSs do not have prescriptive authority meaning that while I knew what my patients needed even as one of the four advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) roles I couldnt order anything. These skills are vital in human resources management, as managers ensure companies stay compliant with various employment regulations. So if youre a health care worker whos thinking about getting out, its time to identify the skills that you can use in other positions. Was just talking with my husband about this today. I'm almost finished with my PMHNP program, and I'm incredibly excited about the field. 272 Posts. This is why as a midlevel, I'd have a doctor on staff, all the time. In my role as a CNS, I enjoyed the work I did and the impact that I made with patients, onboarding, and training of staff, bringing evidence-based practice to the bedside, doing research, being a clinical expert and consultant, and teaching. Yeah, honestly the only reason people are taking shots at DNPs is because the Pod season opener isn't for another 5 weeks. I can respect that you have opinions as well on it. No one ever teaches you in school that some patients are known to come to the ER drunk on Listerine. My pediatric knowledge definitely helps me in my current job (I am a school nurse) but I always have to take a step back and remind myself that as a RN I cannot diagnose so while I will know what a student most likely has, I can only recommend that the child be seen by a provider to "properly" diagnose which is frustrating. Get ready for this one Labels. They and their graduates are lowering the standard and providing fodder to the people (especially the physicians) who don't "midlevels" to practice with any kind of autonomy. And people are lobbying for less nurse practitioner restrictions? Get the experience and you will be fine. Let's get real, howeverThis board is full of single anecdotal stories of "poor midlevel care" and then the inference is made by young, impressionable MS, who subsequently develop a chip toward midlevels, specifically NPs and CRNAs. Public health nurse. But, things arent always rosy in the life of an NP. I worked and studied hard to become an NP. In public relations, those same communication skills are key for training clients on how to work with the media, she says. Why it transfers: Teachers need to able to multitask and prioritize in the classroom. A few years later I had my first child and decided to stay home. Average Salary: $122,417. Also, I don't really care whether I'm an MD, DO, NP, or PA, as long as I can reach these occupational goals. Just an interesting note: I work at a college and we just hired an NP in our health clinic who replaced a PA (may have replaced the PA physically, but not medically). I will outline a short article stating why YOU should NOT pursue a nurse practitioner degree, EVEN if you already have a bachelor's degree. In addition, these positions often require the ability to meet frequent goals and deadlines and work under pressure. Specializes in Psychiatry, Mental Health. But the stress can be overwhelming, and burnout is common. Nursing has vast areas look into moving in a different area within the nursing field. New opportunity: Quality control inspector. Nurse practitioners are helping to address the physician shortage: 6. Can we follow the same logic with a MD, DPM, and a PA. Is this experience typical for a new grad NP situation? The NP program cost a lot, and now I'm paying it off! If you do decide its time to leave, do so gracefully. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Some will be moving from 80k as an RN to 120k as an NP in my area. So I ended up "using" my degree for all of 4 years. "I became a nurse so that I could have an impact on the lives of others and have a career that felt very meaningful. But, I wont sit here and pretend I havent encountered a few bumps along my professional road. I just don't get it, why would NP training not simply get upgraded to increase the credibility of it? The whole thing. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. I earned only slightly more than if I had been working as a RN. Don't think that big white coat with the MSN FNP flashing around is going to make people bow down to Dr. Nurse. If this piece elicits a defensive response, you're probably taking it personally, for whatever reason. That is not to say nurse. Upon receiving my work schedule, 4pm to 11pm, 6 days/week, I decided the position was going to seriously cramp my social life (youd have thought I would have talked schedule before accepting the position live and learn). Hours and hours of classroom, personal study, research. As a school nurse practitioner, you may work in the school clinic in addition to the RN school nurse. No bridges burned. 50 Best High Paying Career Change ideas for Nurses 1. But in that enjoyment, I often found dissatisfaction in some of my practice limitations. There are no true outcome studies other than patient satisfaction surveys and other non evidence based crap. You have to learn an entirely new trade - ya? I myself can see NP's replacing GP's very easily. I was universally better liked in my practice than my physician colleagues because I knew I had to go the extra mile to win my patient's trust. My background is medical and psych, and I am a big believer in treating the whole patient, head to toe. Just like if you are working as a clinic RN. Nurses make up the largest segment of the healthcare workforce, and will find themselves on the front lines of treating patients with the new coronavirus . You Hate Your Nurse Practitioner Job, Now What? All true and my thoughts exactly. I am sure the AMA would rather get kicked in the balls multiple times before they would allow the credentialing of a fully online medical program from a fully for-profit university with teachers posting online quizzes and tests from their garage. I really resent these schools with minimal requirements that are graduating minimally trained nurse practitioners. Its hard to believe that my friends working as attorneys have never been vomited on at work, or had a buttocks abscess explode in their hair. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. If you are currently a registered nurse, go ahead and skip down to #2. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Specializes in Internal medicine/critical care/FP. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our daily giveaways from shoes to Patagonia gear, FIGS scrubs, cash, and more! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. I really have no idea about getting my money back and I also hate losing a semester of work out of a 5 semester program. Love Learning - Hate School - I hate being sick it makes me feel so weak and powerless I wish i had soup or even. You will need to present yourself well to avoid this dilemma. Will a conversation with your boss regarding a change to the call schedule or a discussion about increasing your scope of practice in the clinic leave you satisfied? National average salary: $87,375 per year. As a high school student I had acquired summer employment at a retail store. Wow. I will say that I am so sick of bedside nursing that I'm ready to confront these challenges. Clinical nurse educator. I can't say I "regret" getting my NP, but I definitely would not have pursued the degree if I had been able to foresee the future. New opportunity: Training and development manager. Once I passed that exam, I was able to become a registered patent agent. Legal nurse consulting is an excellent job for nurses who don't want to be nurses anymore - but still want to utilize the knowledge they have learned while working in patient care. Lab technicians, with their strong background in following strict protocols to determine results, would be a good fit for quality control or other product testing roles. Want to get started on the path to a new career? As a midlevel- NP or PA- I am never going to think I'm as knowledgeable as a physician. On balance I will probably have to work more in order to make the same money I make now, but I hope it'll be work that I like more. They provide screening tests as well as administer immunizations. Looking for a change beyond the bedside? 4. Not for schedule, or pay, or respect, etc. The AACN thinks that all NPs need doctoral degrees and that will make NPs more respected? I really don't like the bedside role at all and would have gone to PA school if NPs didn't exist. Most of my RN experience was in psych, and I thought about becoming a psych NP, but with the advice of peers, decided to become an FNP, since I was told it would be a more useful, fulfilling, and marketable degree. In order to understand them it will be necessary to revisit those dark ages, a time when such individuals were few and the roles played in the drama we know as health care were more clear. I needed a change and switched to cards - still not sure this is the area I want for the rest of my life but it will do for now. Has 40 years experience. After working as a nurse for four years, I went to NP school. Currently, work in the ER as an RN? So the major reason why I went back to school to become an NP was to relieve a practice restriction and to obtain ordering privileges. I know it seems intimidating but if you want it you can get it. 2,000,137,218. I would HIGHLY recommend Dr Gandotra to anyone like me who avoided getting a colonoscopy out of fear. At work I tell students and new nurses, "You'll never regret being a nurse. SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS! Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. My Nurse Practitioner Pet Peeves, Your email address will not be published. As I said, if I do become a midlevel, I want physician oversight. Your email address will not be published. A long time ago she said, "You're not supposed to take the same path I took (as a nursing administrator). The good is the framework and foundation of my career, the thing that holds it up despite the occasional slips, shakes, and jolts. All that extra school and you still get called a nurse. By 2025, you need a DNP to become an APRN. 202 Posts. They can receive additional training and work within the hospital system or on the company side. By definition, nursing is a subordinate role in medicine, though a very important one. Cookie Notice 8. To this day I truly have no idea what I may have done to harm a patient accidentally. The way it worked out, my first job offer as an ANP was in Psych. 1-612-816-8773. Has 6 years experience. Yeah, it isn't medical school, but we also don't make what physicians make either. Sorry, but I would not want someone like that treating me or my family members. I became a psych RN to make sure I did indeed enjoy it, got my NP, had numerous job offers as I finished up school, and basically had a new position created for me at the hospital I worked for, when I graduated. Just my opinion. I feel stuck bc I am in a very specific specialty. I felt fortunate when I received a job offer two months after graduation. That is the cornerstone of the NP profession, and somewhat the PA profession. While becoming a registered nurse is not a prerequisite to qualify for enrollment into some entry level nurse practitioner programs (which typically require a non-nursing bachelor's degree with any major), the first part of . It pays well with a flexible work schedule. Just because I have worked for many years as a nurse does not mean I stand next to a doc, nodding my head in agreement with everything he says. The Day I Realized I Don't Want to Be a Nurse Anymore by The Crafty Baking Nurse As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Does anyone know if I can add two months of working on my resume to look for a new job? I started my RN career in a large SICU and was interested in psych as my NP specialty. why-you-shouldnt-become-a-nurse-practitioner.pdf. Nurses not only are required to have a bachelor's degree, but many are encouraged to pursue a masters. Fight for higher pay and refuse to take low paying positions. At the school district my child used to attend the majority of the school nurses were nurse practitioners. Another 30k-70k in loans - My current RN job is paying all my tuition, but againso? Just thinking this to myself yesterday. I want to be happy at work. Specializes in Cardiology, Research, Family Practice. Believe it or not, bedside nurses are capable of independent thought. Your email address will not be published. It is real. A few common reasons nurse practitioners tell me they no longer like their jobs or profession are: Job responsibilities orlogistics dont turn out as anticipated or discussed in the interview, process (ex. Legal Nurse Consultant. Also, this wouldn't be as big of a problem if there was quality control, but as more and more unprepared NPs are set forth, and as states give NPs more autonomy, there may be huge issues in the future with unprepared NPs making bad decisions, which could really hurt the profession as it may undermine public confidence. I now wish that I'd just stayed an RN and proceeded with the PhD. I didnt anticipate that, as a nurse practitioner student, one of my clinical rotations would involve handling live leeches. Please apply online, no GRE, college education, high school diploma, or GED required." As with every job, the nurse practitioner career presents some unique challenges at times. For now, an MSN is still sufficient. I also have no problem with paying a small malpractice insurance, as long as compensation increases- because I do see a problem with having 'indepedent' midlevels be covered under physicians malpractice. Explore them. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. You Might Also Like: Dont Bring Me Your Poop! which provides information about passing the exam, When to Start Applying for Jobs Before Graduation, How to Negotiate a Salary Offer: Everything You Need to Know, What to Negotiate in a Job Offer When They Won't Budge on Pay, No Idea What to Do After You Graduate College? Finding Your Why with ThriveAP Speaker Steven Wei, EdD, MPH, MS, PA-C, DFAAPA, What is Deprescribing in Practice & How it Optimizes Patient Care, A1C Recommendations for Every Patient Situation, Discussion with ThriveAP Speaker: Jonathon Pouliot, MS, PharmD, BCPS. Nurse Practitioners are DUMB AND I HATE THEM October 20th, 2017 Join The ZPac Supporters! Blood, sweat and tears. I just hate being a nurse!" So, you hate being a nurse. That's the smartest approach to this whirlwind of BS I've ever heard. Yeah, it isn't medical school, but we also don't make what physicians make either. Should getting a master's degree not at least be as much work as your associates? My RN colleagues who were working in the hospitals were earning significanty more than the NP positions I was looking at. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 I read medical books every day. Despite that, I still think there are many people who should become NPs - namely RNs that hate working bedside. Why it transfers: Michael Rivas started out as a licensed practical nurse and occupational therapist, but he left occupational therapy in 2004 to get into the insurance industry. Ultimately I see the "medical model" versus "nursing model" being judged by the courts. I finally reached the point that I couldn't stand it any more. If I had known that I would only be using my NP license for 4 years I would not have pursued it, and I have no desire to go back as a NP now since I love my job as a school nurse. Then going back to school set off an entire cascade of more frustration and disappointment. He inspired trust and confidence and seemed highly intelligent and professional from the moment I met him. Psych NPs don't all make money, it really depends on your market. All this, without the time-consuming education of a physician. 3 Articles; And anyone who says otherwise is the villain. From CNA to LPN to RN to BSN to MSN, here's what my career progression looked like. They are what makes us as nurses, doctors, NPs and PAs stand in a crowd together laughing so hard that energy drinks come out of our noses. Has 31 years experience. My job is simultaneously interesting and challenging. The white coat went from being a symbol of the noblest of achievements to completely meaningless; referring to the profession collectively as "providers" and not physicians; the Doctor of Nurse Practice taking assigned physicians only parking spots . Good, well your first job out of school may not be in the ER as you have lingered during your nursing career. As they're interacting with other team members, interpersonal skills are important. ACNP- American College of Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Practice Nurses of the Permian Basin, Top Accelerated Nurse Practitioner Programs, Top RN to Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Programs, 325,000 nurse practitioners (NPs) licensed in the United States, here's what my career progression looked like, the best academic tertiary care medical centers. After 25 years of helping patients and their families navigate cancer and mentoring new nurses, I believe that at the end of the day, no matter how challenging, I have impacted someone's life for the better." The inference made was not such a grand leap, given the way midlevels are perceived on this board not one post that says "hey--noone HATES NPs. Nurse practitioners have job security: 5. When heading out the door to work each day is accompanied by dread, weeks can seem long and unrelenting. Why I Became a Nurse Practitioner After Working as a CNS In my role as a CNS, I enjoyed the work I did and the impact that I made with patients, onboarding, and training of staff, bringing evidence-based practice to the bedside, doing research, being a clinical expert and consultant, and teaching. The first is the red tape and nonsense that flows from regulations from bodies like JCAHO, CMS, and state health departments. Being a nurse practitioner is your path.". Level: College, High School, University, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate Hire a Writer ID 8126 My work is psych-related, which I like, but I find it hard to provide the kind of care I want to give when the time pressure and pressure to keep numbers up is so intense. That's the point? Better yet what about a vocational counselor. I have been working as a nurse practitioner at a sub acute nursing home for two months and I hate it. So, to clarify, what I've found that I really don't like about working as an. Great examples! JavaScript is disabled. Psych nurse practitioners and psychotherapy? : ??????? I worked with a patients medical team in the nursing home to transition them into the community and needed to make sure that all of the discharge plans were communicated effectively to coordinate a safe discharge, she says. call schedule, patient load, scope of practice), Lack of collaboration with coworkers including physicians. It's extremely easy to be accepted to schools, and to matriculate. Now what? Some seem not to think so, they seem to believe that once you have your RN you should instantly be crowned Dr. Nurse with the wave of a magic wand and the writing of a few 'nursing policy' papers. You may have become disillusioned with patient care, your efforts to incite changes in health behavior among your patients falling flat. You're being taken to an external site to apply. As a nurse, you have choices. It seems that people who pursue advanced practice degrees should have a real interest in the additional education and in the kind of work it prepares you for rather than just fleeing the bedside. There is no such thing as "advanced nursing". Your day may be more scheduled and paced than that of the school nurse. I returned to bedside nursing and am much happier, and have not regretted this move once. Flexibility in your current NP job? I hated these firsts. The patient walks in the room. Fast forward to when I finished my two year PNP program. The life of an NP in my area day is accompanied by dread weeks..., here 's what my career progression looked like burnout is common emergency care patients! All that extra school and you still get called a nurse, head to toe is! Your day may be more scheduled and paced than that of the school nurses were nurse practitioners doctor. Advance every nurse, there 's 10 nurses doing it to undeserving students. 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