which is better 48 or 72 hour fast

which is better 48 or 72 hour fast

In our clinic, we will often recommend 36-hours fasts up to 2-3 times per week for people with type 2 diabetes. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or financial advice and does not replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare and finance professional. It is still used today for many different reasons. A key sign of autophagy is reduced hunger levels. Any advice you want to give me Well, it entirely depends on your current state of health, your experience with fasting, and how your body responds to going without food for long periods of time. People with diabetes or other medical conditions should not fast without first consulting with their doctor. I have been experimenting with fasting for weight loss the last 1/2 year and the protocol I have arrived at that seems to be working well for me is doing a 72 hour fast, a 48 hour fast and a 24 hour fast each week (so I'm essentially eating 5 meals a week). ). Could you elaborate? Protein is made up of building blocks called amino acids and is essential for building healthy body cells (3). If youre not lactose intolerant, you might be able to indulge in one to two servings of dairy post-fast as long as its properly digested. These people already have various mineral and vitamin deficiencies that can be worsened due to prolonged fasting. It can also decrease insulin resistance, enhance metabolism and boost weight loss. Fasting may help improve the immune system by regenerating stem cells so they can rebuild damaged tissue more quickly (20). I have a First Class Honours degree in Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise physiology and nutrition. Intermittent fasting is a form of dieting that involves alternating between periods of eating and periods of not eating. This practice may not be appropriate for people with type 1 diabetes, those with a history of eating disorders, or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Youre more likely to think about food if youre bored. However, one of the biggest advantages of fasting for 72 hours is the production of stem cells, immune cells, and reduction in oxidative stress. Your body is using up the energy you just ate to power your current activity and for cellular and tissue growth. No one ever talks about it. I'll also have a large green salad with a lot of olive oil. Before the civilizations came into being, humans hunted and ate animals one time and lived off the body fat when they needed to survive harsh conditions. I exercise too. LifeHackerGuy.com and/or it's authors do not in any way claim that you can earn any money from investing, speculating or trading in any of the finance related instruments mentioned on this website. Always proceed with caution while fasting (22). All rights reserved. Eat small amounts of simple meals for the first couple of days until you feel ready to go back to normal portions. As for insulin sensitivity, my reading indicates longer fasting is better than shorter, so anything you can manage is good. https://www.dietdoctor.com/blood-pressure. In addition, fasting may result in a general decrease in inflammation and improved insulin sensitivity which brings about a variety of health benefits such as the reduced risk of chronic diseases. Research indicates that fasting can trigger autophagy and that this happens around the 24-48 hour timeframe, but most studies have been done in animals. Dehydration can cause dizziness and severe headaches, as well as health conditions such as kidney damage (, This is a major problem for those who suffer from heart disease since water fasting may result in a temporary decrease of blood pressure due to lack of food intake, causing fainting (, Water fasting increases uric acid production, which may cause an acute gout flare-up (, Gastrointestinal diseases such as abdominal pain, heartburn, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Metabolic disorders like high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, etc. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Your pancreas produces the hormone insulin. You may experience hunger, fatigue, food cravings, and trouble concentrating. When this happens, some people say that they feel more focused and energized than ever before. This question is really about two issues: 1. cultivating a deliberate practice; and, 2. using fasting as hygienic protocol, not a therapeutic intervention. Need help fasting on the go wherever you are? Hello Dr Jason Fung GNC COLLAGEN It all depends upon the person. The changes occur in five stages depending on how long you fast: In the first stage, which lasts from 12 to 18 hours after your last meal, your body has used most of its available carbohydrates for energy and starts burning fat, as well as converting protein into energy. I find this manageable with consuming coffee with heavy cream and bone broth while I'm fasting. If you do find you are having trouble with the higher fats, you can look for a digestive enzyme. Ie if you weigh 160# you would drink at least 88 oz water daily. When we compare the 48 hour fast benefits to 72 hour fast benefits, there is one big difference: the regeneration of cells. Hi Dr. Fung - thank you for your book and your approach to health! Experts recommend that children and teenagers under 18 years old should avoid water fasting since their bodies need more nutrients than adults for proper development. I m fasting from when I was 5 years old I hv lots to talk to you I hv fasted for a year with alternate fasting its a religious custom which we hv to do once a year I hv fasted for 16 days only on boiled water that also for 10 hrs again this is a religious custom It's completely voluntary and can be ended at any time. The same study also had cancer patients fast throughout chemotherapy treatment. It seems counterintuitive, but occasionally going without food for two days may actually help you build muscle, not lose it. For instance, after a 72-hour fast, you'll need to take 1.5 days to eat meals of low fiber foods (like soup and bone broth) and build up your tolerance before resuming your normal routine of eating solid food. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Autophagy also removes damaged or defective proteins in your cells, preventing them from accumulating and leading to serious health conditions like cancer or Parkinson's disease. High fat cheeses, meats, cream, vegetables like avacados, and good quality oils would make up a lot of your fat intake. Ketone bodies act as fuel for the brain when glucose is scarce. Underweight people or people who have a history of eating disorders or other mental health disorders should avoid fasting for longer durations. Animal and in vitro studies suggest that prolonged fasting may promote stem cell regeneration. You can also take approved supplements for fasting, like multivitamins or electrolytes, to help with the process. The most benefits all kick in at about 72 hours so you may want to build up to the 72-hour fast and then gradually extend beyond that. You will likely feel the most hungry after the first few hours of fasting because your body is used to having constant access to food. ). educational purposes only. Track them down & get rid of them with this handy guide, so you can keep reaping ketosis health benefits. I just not know how much fat. It gets rid of any dead or damaged cellular material3, which can otherwise contribute to aging, cancer, and chronic disease. It's always best to start out small. The body starts breaking down triglycerides stored in the fat cells to produce energy. If you ate a lot of carbs and starch, it will take a bit longer than if you ate mostly fats and protein. BDNF is a protein that your brain makes to protect existing brain cells. Youll need to get electrolytes from fluids as well, since you wont be getting them from foods during this time. Soon you'll know which fast: 42 or 72-hour is best for you, and what to expect. It then begins to burn fat for energy, as well as proteins. After 3 full days of fasting, stem cell regeneration takes place, creating new white blood cells which completely renew the immune system. A 48-hour fast once or twice per month will reduce your calorie intake by up to 8,000 calories per month, which can promote weight loss. Water fasting can be an effective way to lose weight and may even add more years to your life. ). Explained in Human Terms, How to Handle the Stress Between Now and Election Day, Intermittent Fasting For Women: A Beginner's Guide, What Is 16/8 Intermittent Fasting? https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/get-started. At 72 hours autophagy has limited. This process (a.k.a ketosis) involves a large number of fats being released into your bloodstream, which is converted into a fuel called ketones. After the first stage of fasting, appetite generally declines. Insulin toxicity Dr. Jason Fung's diabetes course. Youll need to get electrolytes from fluids as well, since you wont be getting them from foods during this time. You can start a keto diet today with a quick trip to the grocery store. Do doctors treat type 2 diabetes completely wrong today in a way that actually makes the disease worse? If I should counter stomach tantrums with a small amount of coconut oil, does that blow the autophagy effects? Fasting is excellent for strengthening your body's defensive mechanisms. Even though water fasting has its benefits, its not advisable for everyone. Blog Keto Fasting The 5 Stages of Fasting (And The Benefits of Each One), Medically reviewed by Its free, simple to do, and is generally safe for most people (although you still may want to consult your doctor about it before starting). You can also combine fasting with a ketogenic diet. Reduces Inflammation Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels Hi, I'm Adam the founder of the LifeHacker Guy. Intermittent fasting is a very popular health and fitness trend. At the 48 hour mark, the body is in the long-term fasting stage. Whats the best email address to reach you? Animal and in vitro studies suggest that prolonged fasting may promote stem cell regeneration. It is not an absolute contraindication but you need to speak with your own doctor. This process is an important mechanism for maintaining health as it recycles cellular components like amino acids to make new proteins and mitochondria (the powerhouses of cells) and make new energy for your body cells (. Heres a look at the five main stages of fasting, the specific benefits that come with each one, and a brief look at how to incorporate fasting into your life. Intermittent Fasting Vs Small Meals: Which One Is Better? In the case of water fasting, it means drinking In addition to breaking down fats in the process known as beta-oxidation, your liver begins producing ketones that are actually used by your brain, which normally gets its energy from glucose (. By eating a ketogenic diet, you can get your body into ketosis before you start fasting. Fasting is not recommended for people with a low BMI. Its also important to be aware of the downsides of a 48-hour fast. Fasting triggered stem cell production, creating brand new immune cells to replace old ones[*]. Magnesium Ive been on ketogenic diet 80% fat diet along with intermittent fasting for 5 years and while my blood glucose stabilized my BMR remains much lower than its supposed to be for my age. Although some people also try to extend their fast for over 72 hours, it is advisable to do that only under expert guidance and after consulting a professional. From experience, this longer fasting period produces quicker results and still has good compliance. LifeHacker Guy is a personal-blog. And I believe my body is able to repair better on the 72-hour fast. It breaks down and recycles cellular material like amino acids to make new proteins and mitochondria (the powerhouse of a cell), making new energy for your cells. Intermittent fasting may boost weight loss, though studies on 48-hour fasts specifically are lacking (17, 18, 19). With this said, a healthy individual can experience hunger and dizziness for the first few times of practicing fasting. Reasons Why You Should Skip The Trip To Your Favorite Fast Food Restaurant, Algal Oil: A Sustainable Source Of Brain-Healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Benefits Of Red Cabbage: Surprising Reasons You Should Add This Vegetable To Your Diet, Our website services, content and products are for informational purposes only. Why is counting calories useless? The metabolic activities that a 48 hour fast does in the body are also seen in the 72-hour duration. Those with heart disease and kidney failure patients on dialysis shouldnt consider water fasting at all unless they seek advice from a health care provider first. [GDPR] By providing us your Email address, you agree to get occasional information emails and our Privacy Policy. That'll be the number of days you will need to be mindful of what and how much you eat. Now, it seems I'm not satisfied until I eat the whole box of cookies. I am told that Body must learn to live on Body fat not Carbs, let I see Diet Doctor show eating Lasagna or Cabbage. In general, though, stay away from most forms of dairy until youve fully transitioned from fasting mode. If you are eating low carb and low to moderate protein meals, then you want to eat enough fat so you aren't hungry. Intermittent fasting is a valuable tool to improve your health. An extended fast can lower your risk for cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, as it's been proven to increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and dramatically decrease triglycerides (bad cholesterol). I do not take any medicine and do not have any major health issues. The most common type of intermittent fast is 16:8, where a person eats for 8 hours and then fasts for 16 hours. Drink your body weight in pounds divided by 2, plus 8oz of water daily. Food plays a major role in many cultural practices, so you should consider whether youre willing to curtail your social eating to fast. Your brain would normally get its fuel from glucose, but by this time, your liver will be producing ketones for your brain to use as energy. Subscribe to the Perfect Keto weekly newsletter to get easy & insanely delicious keto recipes, keto guides & the latest keto trends right in your inbox. During stage three, which lasts from 24 to 48 hours after your last meal, autophagy is believed to be happening at its peak level. If you have never tried fasting before, diving right into an extreme fasting program can be extremely challenging and might be too much of a shock to your body. However, you have to be very careful when breaking your fast. This 48-hour fasting is good for improving your health, and you can try this fast once a month. The 48 hours fast weight loss results are very realistic; It will boost your metabolism to help in weight loss. Fasting for 48 hours is not a big deal. But that does not mean that you wont get side effects; it depends on the person. What Intermittent Fasting Results Can You Expect? 48 vs 72 hour fast answers! This complete guide compares keto, Atkins, paleo, and more. Fasting begins about eight hours after your last meal. Once you pass the 16-hour mark, glucose in the cells and glycogen in the liver and muscles begin to dwindle rapidly, which causes you to burn stored fat in order to keep up with your body's need for energy. Drinking plenty of water while fasting not only helps prevent dehydration but also reduces hunger significantly (23). Fasting may be able to combat the age-related decline, keeping you biologically younger and protecting your cells from oxidative stress[, Early research suggests that fasting-related autophagy may help kill cancer cells[, Fasting reduces bodywide inflammation via autophagy[. This is the "catabolic," or breakdown, phase, when all those extra nutrients start being released from storage to be used for energy. Browse our curated collection of fan-favorites and discover your new favorite snack or supplement. My metabolic rate is definitely low, it probably was before I started even on 800 calories. Eggs, bacon, walnuts, pecans are also good choices - just make sure you aren't overdoing the protein. From the 48 to 72 hours of fasting, your bodys insulin levels will be the lowest, and ketosis will be the only way to produce energy. Again, it's important to work with a physician if you plan to do a prolonged fast. I'm losing roughly 2 lbs per week with this approach, and I'm projecting I will need to sustain this for another 6 - 8 months to get to an ideal weight. In this stage, which is from 18 to 24 hours after your last meal, your body starts using ketones as its primary source of energy. Dr. Fung's fasting course part 8: Dr. Fung's top tips for fasting. A 48-hour fast can serve as a reset for the body, allowing it to take a break from digestion to focus on other tasks. Even if it's just once per year, your body will thank you. These foods are broken down quickly by the body and raise blood sugar levels, which may be a shock to your system after a few days of not eating (5). If you can do intermittent fasting for 16-18 hours a day, youll burn through body fat and fill up quickly when you break your fast, which makes it easy to stay in a calorie deficit and lose weight. We may earn a small commission on purchases made through our links. ). Drink black coffee or green tea to help reduce hunger levels. What is your opinion of this? Written by It is the process by which your body breaks down and recycles old or damaged cellular materials. Which hidden carbs are sabotaging your keto diet? The rate at which you reach this stage really depends on what you ate for the last couple of meals before your fast. Theoretically, because autophagy has been activated, old and defective cells have been removed from the system (, After going without food for days, youre excited and relieved when its time to eat. This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. Since all of the available glycogen reserves are burnt, fat storage is the only source of energy for the cells. Experts say this presidential election is particularly stressful because it's compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as economic pressures. I appreciate your time in answering! 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. As glycogen is depleted during fasting, your body will give up its water stores. In my youth I was a competitive Triathlete and long-distance runner placing top 10 in most triathlon races I completed. At 12 hours, youll also start switching into the early stages of ketosis your body stops relying on carbohydrates for fuel and begins burning your body fat stores instead[*]. Short-term fasting may also lower blood pressure and increase insulin sensitivity, making this type of fasting useful for people with type 2 diabetes or other blood sugar control issues[*]. What gives? ). 72+ hours Once you've been fasting for three days or more, your body enters a deep state of ketosis. By 12 hours, your body will begin to tap into your glycogen stores (sugar stores), and your blood glucose levels will stabilize[*]. Now that you understand the different stages of fasting, you can choose the length of fast that best meets your health goals. Water fasting is claimed to have several health benefits, including weight loss. But with that gone, your body will lose fluids quickly, which can turn into dehydration pretty quickly. After 16 to 18 hours of fasting, you should be in full ketosis[*]. Part 7 of Dr. Jason Fung's diabetes course. People use fasting as a powerful tool to prevent diseases like cancer and diabetes, promote weight loss and detoxification, and increase cognitive function. It may also speed up the healing process for wounds and more serious injuries[*]. A 2014 study found that 72-hour fasting led to a near-complete rejuvenation of the immune system. The main drawbacks of 48-hour fasting are hunger and fatigue. This article explains all you need to know about 48-hour fasting, including how to do it and its benefits and downsides. All You Need to Know, What Is Intermittent Fasting? On non-fasting days, you would maintain your usual eating pattern, making sure to refrain from overindulging in higher-calorie foods. On the good side, they all lost weightan average of 17.2 pounds (from 7.7 to 31.9 pounds). It is also when the body slowly transitions into the ketosis state. One study in 10 people with type 2 diabetes found that 1272-hour fasting decreased fasting blood sugar levels by up to 20% after a single fast (15). Now, I find that I cannot have just one cookie anymore. Studies have shown that around the 3-day fasting mark, HGH increases by more than 300%! Studies show that fasting-induced autophagy comes with a variety of benefits. Others experience difficulty concentrating or brain fog. Milk contains lactose (sugar), which can irritate your stomach and cause bloating (17). As such, you may feel sluggish after the first 24 hours, especially if this is your first time trying a longer fast (3, 12, 13). By the 48th hour, you might feel less hungry. Appropriately spacing out your 48-hour fasts may offer greater health benefits (1, 2, 3). HGH is so effective that taking it externally is banned in professional sports and is considered doping. Prolonged Fasting 101: How To Do It & Are The Benefits Worth It. This will help you understand how your body responds to a lack of food. Hypertensive Individuals should also avoid prolonged periods of water fasting to prevent severe health conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. This effect seems to diminish if youre fasting longer than 72 hours (20, 21). When will I reach my goal weight. Pooja Goyal, Here is a link to our Diet Doctor guide to Time Restricted Eating https://www.dietdoctor.com/intermittent-fasting/time-restricted-eating. During this period, a large number of fats are released into the bloodstream and converted into a fuel known as ketones (9). Fasting for 48 hours on occasion may boost cardiovascular health, according to research. Fasting may help fight certain types of cancer or even maintain memory, according to some data from animal studies. 1. Reduces insulin resistance and improves blood sugar control. what you ate for the last couple of meals before your fast, reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's, longer fasts can help your body become more resilient, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6004924/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3106288/, https://www.nature.com/articles/emm201210, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2893579/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4102383/. However, the longer you fast, the more benefits your body can have. https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/get-started, https://www.dietdoctor.com/intermittent-fasting/time-restricted-eating, https://www.dietdoctor.com/longer-fasting-regimens, https://www.dietdoctor.com/video-post-what-breaks-a-fast, https://www.dietdoctor.com/blood-pressure, Reply to comment #20 by PersonTryingToLoseWeight. You should not rely on this information as a substitute, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Once your body becomes accustomed to the long duration of no food, long fasts will be easier on you. The process of releasing fat and burning it up for energy releases chemicals known as ketone bodies for energy, which usually happens around the 16-hour mark. Dr. Bindiya Gandhi is an American Board Family Medicinecertified physician who completed her family medicine training at Georgia Regents University/Medical College of Georgia. And what should you do instead to lose weight? How and why did this happen? A Beginners Guide. One thing they do is turn on autophagy. WebTHE 72 HOUR FAST BENEFITS Some of the life-changing beneftis youre about to experience, include: HUGE fat loss (many guys in their 40s and 50s are losing 15+ Fasting may increase metabolism and help reduce body weight and body fat. These factors work together to prevent overeating. It helps in faster muscle repair. You may want to make sure that your meal a day is keto/low carb! It Might Be These Hidden Carbs, Fasting triggered autophagy in the brain, clearing out misfolded proteins linked to Alzheimers disease[, Autophagy declines naturally as you age, which is connected to a variety of diseases. I hv done lots of fast the warrior diet etc I am so happy to see you helping the whole world 24-72 hours of water fasting is more than enough to give your body the detox it needs. Despite the noted benefits, you should take its drawbacks into consideration. A study involving obese individuals with metabolic syndrome found that three days of fasting using only water resulted in weight reduction, improvement of heart health markers, and lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is a marker for inflammation (14). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Stay updated like 500,000+ subscribers with our weekly Diet Doctor newsletter. Great question! When you fast for 48 hours, the initial 12 hours are used to digest the food you have already consumed. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. Read More: Low-Carb Intermittent Fasting- Everything You Need To Know. All the previous benefits: Autophagy, the uptick in the production of beneficial chemicals and hormones, fat loss, and mental clarity continue to increase. At the two-year followup, half of them had either kept it all off or regained some of the weight theyd lost. Your first meal post-fast should be a light snack, such as a handful or two of almonds. HGH increases muscle mass[*] and stimulates faster muscle repair[*]. Burning ketones can lead to a major uptick in your cognitive performance, mental clarity, and general sense of energy and well-being as you enter into a multiday fast. 4. Spencer Brooks. Fasting is a powerful tool for improving your body's longevity, and it can have a really transformative impact on your health. New cells are produced since autophagy helps clean out all the weak cells. It depends upon the specific reason you are fasting, how your body responds to it (some people do better than others), and how easy it is for you. That can help as well. It is believed that the metabolic adaptations to the stress of fasting may help prevent DNA damage (8). Alexis Shields, ND, is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and an expert in Functional Medicine. Here is a video from Dr Fung about what breaks a fast: Since you will only be allowed to drink water and zero-calorie fluids during your fast, it's essential that you drink enough throughout the whole duration to avoid dehydration. Dr. Fung's fasting course part 3: Dr. Fung explains the different popular fasting options and makes it easy for you to choose the one that fits you best. The metabolic activities that a 48 hour 1. The big question is: Is it better to do a 48-hour fast or a 72-hour fast? A keto diet suppresses hunger[*] and improves your health on its own. I exercise too. Another autophagy marker reached a maximum between 48 and 96 hours, dependent on the person. Tailor your fitness journey and maximize your results with just a couple of swipes! Both men and women have been practicing fasting since ancient times, for both health and spiritual reasons. Some of our water and most of our electrolytes come from food, so fasting can reduce how much of both youre getting every day. All rights reserved. Do paperwork, read books, write something or anything else that keeps your mind busy. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a dietitian, physician or another health-care professional. Dr. Shields uses an in-depth analysis of blood tests to help her clients find the best diet, fitness, and supplements to support their optimal mental and physical performance. Lastly, fasts lasting longer than 24 hours may have additional benefits for blood sugar control beyond those linked to shorter fasts (16). Both human and animal studies have linked water fasting to a variety of health benefits, including: This is a physiological mechanism that involves the formation and activation of macroautophagy and other related intracellular processes known as autolysosomes (8). The old parts are either recycled into new materials or destroyed. We do not show ads, use any affiliate links, sell products or take money from industry. Choose a meal thats gentle on your stomach and good for your metabolism. It can be seen that both the fasts are good overall, comparing the benefits of a 48 hour fast with that of 72 hours fast. Tool to improve your health Sports Science from Brighton University, specialising in exercise and..., walnuts, pecans are also good choices - just make sure you?! Track them down & get rid of any dead or damaged cellular materials green salad a... Green salad with a quick trip to the long duration of no food, long will. Damaged cellular materials founder of the weight theyd lost after your last meal placing top 10 most... Also speed up the energy you just ate to power your current activity and for cellular and growth! Appetite generally declines more than 300 % also seen in the body starts breaking down triglycerides stored in 72-hour. 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