where are the ley lines in australia

where are the ley lines in australia

In 1929 the term Ley lines first held its importance. [11] The term ley derived from the Old English term for a cleared space, with Watkins adopting it for his lines because he found it to be part of the place-names of various settlements that were along the lines he traced. If you live in Europe, there are literally thousands. (1888). [35] They were nevertheless generally in agreement that the ley lines were laid out between 5000 BCE and 2600 BCE, after the introduction of agriculture but before the introduction of metal in Britain. Also, guy had a bad seizure, people lost things, cops were bad. [51], Ley lines have been characterised as a form of pseudoscience. This area is known for the disappearance of ships and planes and the sighting of unidentified flying objects. Its deepest point is over 25,000 feet (7,600 meters). [44], The Ley Hunter magazine ceased publication in 1999. MOST Haunted Places in Florida: Ybor City, Lake Okeechobee and More! Who knows whats down there? One such place is located at Avebury in England, where twelve lines meet and go down into the Earth. These places of power are where two or more ley lines cross and are often known as Ley Nodes, Nodes, or Nexuses. [41] Some maintained that even if the presence of earth energies running through ley lines could not be demonstrated with empirical evidence and rational argumentation, this did not matter; for them, a belief in ley lines was an act of faith, and in their view archaeologists were too narrow-minded to comprehend this reality. It is truly amazing. Fuji to Australia back to Asia, it splits at Jerusalem one branch going to Africa the other to Europe, Across the Atlantic and then down into South America. Ancient legends talk about how people could tap into the earths energy at specific points. [34] He was one of the founding members of the Dragon Project, launched in London in 1977 with the purpose of conducting radioactivity and ultrasonic tests at prehistoric sites, particularly the stone circles created in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. He cited Williamson and Bellamy's work in demonstrating this, noting that their research showed how "the density of archaeological sites in the British landscape is so great that a line drawn through virtually anywhere will 'clip' a number of sites". I realize no one "meant any . Geometry, in particular, is interesting because we can see it in action when we put sand on a flat surface. But I can tell that that is an exhausting battle. [19], In his 1961 book Skyways and Landmarks, Tony Wedd published his idea that Watkins' leys were both real and served as ancient markers to guide alien spacecraft that were visiting Earth. Ley Lines. [4] According to his account, he was driving across the hills near Blackwardine, Herefordshire, when he looked across the landscape and observed the way that several features lined up together. Let the pendulum swing or circle on its own. These are locations with strange and unexpected electrical and magnetic activity. The Michael and Mary ley line. Later on I found various articles suggesting that Hanging Rock and the region where the ley line runs between Hanging Rock and Mount Macedon, was considered to be sacred by the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, who lived in the area. Many people have claimed to have felt the energy surge up their body, and some have claimed that they have blacked out, as the surge was . Ley Lines The KEY To Unlocking The Matrix. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of 'spirit', 'dream', or 'energy' paths. [23], In the mid-1970s, Michell then published a detailed case study of the West Penwith district of Cornwall, laying out what he believed to be the ley lines in the area. The first research into 'Ley lines' in modern times was . In my recently published Australian historical novel White Spirit, which I co-wrote with Lance Morcan, we mention songlines which relate to a spiritual awareness the First Australian (Aboriginal) people have of the landscape and sacred landmarks. Many use energy collection as an integral component of their routine health and wellness strategy. Do not give up on you land, she will reward you for the care that you show her. (6) Icosahedron, Wikipedia Watkins never attributed any supernatural significance to leys; he believed that they were simply pathways that had been used for trade or ceremonial purposes, very ancient in origin, possibly dating back to the Neolithic, certainly pre-Roman. (2) Becker-Hagens planetary grid, Vortex Hunters Is there a geometrical energy system that surrounds our planet? [43] Devereux pursued this approach in a series of further books. A seventh ley line runs across the property along the top of the escarpment and intersects with one of the others at the precise location of the house. A headless black dog, ghostly lights known as corpse lights, and soul-sucking wraiths have all haunted these terrifying trails. October 2015. Your article is inspiring me to take the next steps in the Light Grid Work I feel I am doing. This is a form of dowsing, which is a method thats been used for years to find ley lines. British Latitudinal Ley Line 565 miles .___. (10) BBC News Article on Ley Lines, Privacy Policy All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. The idea that ancient sacred sites might have been constructed in alignment with one another was proposed in 1846 by the Reverend Edward Duke, who observed that some prehistoric monuments and medieval churches aligned with each other. And it is where we find ground zero for detonating ancient nuclear weapons. Commissioned by Panel (Glasgow) and created by Kate Scardifield. Ancient cultures ascribed particular meanings to these patterns for reasons which escape modern man. I was totally engrossed by the book and taken by the fascinating re-discovery of the Michael and Mary Ley lines . His obsession with leys was a natural outgrowth of his interest in landscape photography and love of the British countryside. lines, till the whole earth is covered. [34] Professional archaeologists, whose view of the ley hunters was largely negative, took little interest in such research. Well focus our attention on twelve of these well-known sites. Again, this cannot happen by coincidence. No, but I want to go! A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth's tectonic plates which science has not denied. the Bidiagal people and the Gamaygal people, upon whose ancestral lands our university stands. When I began looking for local ley lines, I first thought of a local Native burial mound located in Safety Harbor, FL. I would LOVE to see something that phenomenal! These churches and other buildings built on ley lines were built there to give access to the inner earth. I too live in Florida in the East Coast. Where are the coordinates of the Ley Lines? [1] There, Wilhelm Teudt had argued for the presence of linear alignments connecting various sites but suggested that they had a religious and astronomical function. I mentioned it to my boyfriend and he saw it right away. About Us The spots around these places are an unusual number of marine and aircraft disappearances. England has dozens of sacred sites and pagan places that converge on one particular ley line running southwest to northeast. From one perspective, the tale of ley-hunting is one of a classic modern religious movement, arising with an apocalyptic language which appropriated some of the tropes of evangelical Christianity, flourished for a brief time, and then subsided into a set of motifs and assumptions retained by a particular subculture of believers. Philippe Park in Safety Harbor, Florida is a park that many Floridians love. Do you feel nervous? When asked if the spirits there were angry, they confirmed. I live not far from you, and also near an Indian Mound in Central Florida. Ley lines are lines that crisscross around the globe, like latitudinal and longitudinal lines, that are dotted with monuments and natural landforms, and carry along with them rivers of supernatural energy. The outcomes of the project include a touring exhibition presented at four venues in the U.K. They were touching the ground at times btw, and this is in the middle of summer on a nice warm beautiful day, [] you find ley lines interesting or you want to try following some or going to a vortex, here is some further reading.The original source The Old Straight [], Hey Brandi and Stacey, Their scientific name, aurora borealis, is also called northern lights, and southern lights are called aurora australis. The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows, #2) by. This view was promoted to a wider audience in the books of John Michell, particularly his 1969 work The View Over Atlantis. Transfer the concept of Ley Lines and vibrational geometry to the human body. If you take a closer look at the world map then you can see that many important structures are at a straight line path from each. Along these lines, at the places they intersect, there are pockets of concentrated energy, that can be harnessed by certain individuals. Strange everybody says check out the map yet none are available. [1], From the 1940s through to the 1960s, the archaeological establishment blossomed in Britain due to the formation of various university courses on the subject. Image 1 & 2: Photo by Kate Scardifield, Image 3: Alan Dimmick, Image 4: Kevin Greenfield, Image 5: Ryan Hernandez, Image 6-10: Photo by Document Photography. EVER. Heather that is amazing! [29] They also demonstrated that ley hunters had often said that certain markers were Neolithic, and thus roughly contemporary with each other, when often they were of widely different dates, such as being Iron Age or medieval. Ley lines are made up of various kinds of energy; whatever kinds are more prominent in the line affects its properties. Is it possible to get a copy of the map? Ley Lines is a research and exhibition project exploring connections and tracing thread lines between Scotland and Australia. (5) Mikhail Makarov, Wikipedia The land here is so sacred. This is a form of dowsing, which is a method thats been used for years to find ley lines. The ancients were said to have marked these lines with stone monuments and pagan temples. and now all those small village have an airport. [18] The Club survived him, although it became largely inactive at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 and formally disbanded in 1948. What about them all crossing in the Bermuda Triangle? These ruins are located just south of Timbuktus city. He argued that straight lines could be drawn between various historic structures and that these represented trade routes created by ancient British societies. There are dozens of maps accessible online. There are TWO major chakras in the southern hemisphere - one in NZ and one in Australia = heart and solar plexus respectively perhaps if more people from the 'far north' wetre . Polar lights (aurora Polaris) are natural phenomena in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Agreed, the map that is smack dab in the middle of the article is not clear enough to follow. [24] Hutton described it as "almost the founding document of the modern earth mysteries movement". I didnt know much about spirit mounds/medicine wheel back then, but enough to know theyre sacred and to be respected. Mathematics and geometry are subjects that intrigue many people. Crawford filed these letters under a section of his archive titled "Crankeries" and was annoyed that educated people believed such ideas when they were demonstrably incorrect. [31] Ley hunting welcomed those who had "a strong interest in the past but feel excluded from the narrow confines of orthodox academia". Its as simple as a Google search. Egypt's Great Pyramids, Peru's Machu Picchu ruins, and Australia's Ayers Rock. Isnt the Medicine Wheel located in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming? UTS acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the Boorooberongal people of the Dharug Nation, Ley Lines Australia Classic T-Shirt. [20], A study by David George Kendall used the techniques of shape analysis to examine the triangles formed by standing stones to deduce if these were often arranged in straight lines. He identified 12 major points he called vortices. Stop in places where you feel energy the strongest, then hold your pendulum out and still. Or at night for fear the fairies might carry them away. I promise the journey and magick will create a profound impact on your spirituality and life. "[48] During the 1970s and 1980s, a belief in ley lines fed into the modern Pagan community. People have been aware of and worked with ley or energy lines for thousands of years. The Seattle Arts Commission contributed $5,000 to the project, bringing criticisms from members of the public who regarded it as a waste of money. It is the marine basin area of the northeast quarter of the Indian Ocean. These ley or energy lines often have temples, churches, monoliths and pyramids built on them. also i think the lines are around 13. What Are Ley-Lines? We are truly blessed to live here. [44] A prominent example of this was the work of Christopher Tilley, who devised the idea of phenomenology, or using human senses to experience a landscape as a means of trying to ascertain how past societies would have done the same. There is a Ley Line that runs right up the coast here (in Daytona), and I feel such Atlantean energy within it. You wont find these lines on a geographical map nor in your typical history book. Even if you dont live near one of these energy conduits, you can still connect with this energy. Although he gained a small following, Watkins' ideas were never accepted by the British archaeological establishment, a fact that frustrated him. If you live in the United States, I recommend looking specifically at Native sacred sites like caves, manmade mounds, burial grounds, etc. [23], Michell repeated his beliefs in his 1969 book The View Over Atlantis. the priecise location of two.Ohio and Wales), and maybe a dozen major. [33] The movement had a diverse base, consisting of individuals from different classes and of different political opinions: it contained adherents of both radical left and radical right ideologies. Check this out: https://maps.leylines.net/, [] a beautiful piece of land to visit! We dont know how they discovered these sites or how they used the energy. I do not know why I never thought to see if there were a map f them available. North West Ley Line 235 miles Ley Lines & Vortexes. [20] Ruggles noted that in this period, ley lines came to be conceived as "lines of power, the paths of some form of spiritual force or energy accessible to our ancient ancestors but now lost to narrow-minded twentieth-century scientific thought". . [21] He came to this conclusion after comparing Watkins' ideas with those of the French ufologist Aim Michel, who argued for the existence of "orthotenies", lines along which alien spacecraft travelled. [22] It was later edited by Paul Screeton, who also wrote the book Quicksilver Heritage, in which he argued that the Neolithic period had seen an idyllic society devoted to spirituality but that this was brought to an end through the introduction of metal technologies in the Bronze Age. Very interesting. The ley or song lines are also called dragon or serpent lines, as the energy traveling along them is meandering up and down like snakes, with various wavelengths, amplitudes and frequencies. But on a regional and . [15], In 1926, advocates of Watkins' beliefs established the Straight Track Club. If you could tell me the county that was in. These paths also happen to follow ley lines. A body of creative work was developed spanning textiles, video and sculpture, including a series of digital prints on velvet and silk produced in collaboration with the School of Textiles and Design, Heriot Watt University. I do not have facts but am very sensitive to enervy and believe that pip lines are attempting to be made illegally under our land which not only is in the middle of ley line crossings but we own our mineral rights.somethings not common anymore and somethimg of a problem for those pipliners that want to cross through our landit has been a tug of war I feel between energies from them and energies from the combined work of the land and I which so far has kept our heads above water..literally.the last year we had a hurricane which flooded most everywhere in the city I live in but we did not.also just a month ago another tropical storm flooded everyone again.wr did not. What Are Ley-Lines? I believe we lived very close to a ley line at that time. [44], In 2005, Ruggles noted that "for the most part, ley lines represent an unhappy episode now consigned to history". [41] Hutton noted that this pulled along "a potential fissure between rationalism and mysticism which had always been inherent in the movement". Landmarks such as the Egyptian Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, and others have been found to fall on ley lines. What ley lines are in Williamsburg.. Would it be Colonial Willisburg??? They also argued that in prehistory, as in the present, it was impractical to travel in a straight line across hilly or mountainous areas of Britain, rendering his leys unlikely as trade routes. The shape of a triangle can be represented as a point on the sphere, and the distribution of all shapes can be thought of as a distribution over the sphere. Connecting them is the Great Ley Line extending from Mt. For History Hack Day 2011, web author Tom Scott developed a tool to demonstrate that anywhere in England could be said to fall on three mysterious ley lines . [41] As Hutton observed, a belief in "ancient earth energies have passed so far into the religious experience of the 'New Age' counter-culture of Europe and America that it is unlikely that any tests of evidence would bring about an end to belief in them. The 1960s and 70s saw all manner of New Age theories, and leys began to be automatically associated with lines of energy, flying saucers and strange psychic experiences. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. By ancient British societies these sites or how they discovered these sites or how they discovered sites! And maybe a dozen major structures and that these represented trade routes by... Lines between Scotland and Australia ' ideas were never accepted by the countryside... Lines often have temples, churches, monoliths and pyramids built on them on a map... Described it as `` almost the founding document of the Michael and Mary lines... 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