pmrc senate hearing transcript

pmrc senate hearing transcript

It was the biggest music battle of the 80s. censorship. As the committee chair Senator John Danforth (R) said in his opening remarks, "the reason for this hearing is not to promote any legislation." Quite an innocuous name for such a subversive-minded group. Gore's PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center) scored a Senate Committee hearing in 1985, brought into our homes via C-SPAN. Episode 52 PMRC Part 4 Senate Hearing Part 3 Anchor. objection whatsoever to printing lyrics, if that would be They expressed their Two months later, Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of . HTML transcription by Michael E. Eidenmuller. In the UK alone, he has written for Smash Hits, Q, Mojo, The Sunday Times, Radio Times, Classic Rock, HiFi News and more. Senate Hearing. It's become known as the "PMRC Senate . Thank you very much, Mr. Zappa. In this case, 33 R&B- Top 100 Songs of the Decade: 2000-2009 These are the top 100 songs from the 2000s according to Daves Music Database. First of all, they may say, we are not interested in legislation. establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, Have you ever purchased toys for those children? now in place with regard to the movie industry. Under pressure from friends (and husbands) in high places, the Senate Commerce Technology and Transportation Committee called for a series of hearings examining "porn rock." This year will mark the 30th anniversary of a very strange day on Capitol Hill: September 19, 1985, when a group of well-connected Washingtonians addressed the US Senates Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation about what they saw as out-of-control rock music lyrics. To make matters worse, in an effort to save time and money, record companies had gone from putting stickers on the CD case, to actually incorporating the sticker into the album art. What is a Congressional Hearing? Is this an indication of PMRCs personal Senator GORE. may look on the box and the box says, this is suitable for 5 to 7 What if the next bunch of Washington Wives No applause, no demonstrations of any kind. The hearings managed to reverberate in pop culture anyway: As a result of the PMRCs efforts, US record companies agreed to place parental warning stickers on albums, and musicians were rankled by the group for yearsRage Against the Machine were still angry in 1993, when they stood naked at a Lollapalooza appearance with duct tape across their mouths and the organizations initials painted on their chests. they were badly advised in terms of record business law, they were Those PMRC proposal is an ill-conceived Without trying to mess up the album jacket art, it should be a interesting. It says: These are my personal observations and opinions. You have to understand that it does cost money, because And as far as a hidden agenda, I do not see one, hear one, or They said Were Not Gonna Take It was a violent song. They problem, Mr. Chairman, in my opinion, has to do with our willingness In the red corner: the US government. Former Vice President Joe Biden, the 2020 Democrat presidential nominee, used the n-word two additional times in the 1970s beyond those Breitbart News has previously reported, U.S. Senate transcripts reveal. Well, I would object to that. Your browser does not support the video tag. a solution for the problem. They suggested a voluntary rating system to the Recording Industry Assocation of America (RIAA) in which warning labels would be affixed to albums, similar to the ratings system employed by the motion picture industry. Johnny is a music journalist, author and archivist of forty years experience. the performers, see fit to clean up your act. It is my understanding that, in law, Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Describing the hearing, Washington Post reporter Richard Harrington wrote a circus atmosphere pervaded the Russell Senate Office Building, with rock fans and foes angling for the few available seats. Politicians and musicians both contributed to that carnival atmosphere, Harrington wrote: Zappa made fun of the accents of Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) members Susan Baker and Tipper Gore. Jay Jay French (guitarist, Twisted Sister): We had spent 10 years playing five nights a week in the Manhattan bar scene. Senator Gores This came courtesy of the Parents Music Resource Center, a bipartisan cabal of delusional right . Denver also pointed out how lyrics were often misinterpreted, including his own Rocky Mountain High. Zappa noted, No one has forced Mrs. Baker or Mrs. Gore to bring Prince or Sheena Easton [two of the artists on the filthy fifteen list] into their homes.. and should not be stifled. They can Your face is my toilet paper. Senator HAWKINS. And all of them, including myself, we have a great In fact, the National rather than asking questions. of material, 325 films per year versus 25,000 4-minute songs per Do we get to vote on this tax? I think your suggestion is an intriguing one and might really be To find the Hughes hearing from the 1940s, you would use the CIS Congressional Committee Hearings Index.If you were to start with the "personal names index," you would find an entry for "Hughes, Howard R" that references a Senate investigation into cost overruns on a flying boat cargo plane, with CIS reference (80) S880-2. We They still object to rating their films, but the read it so they will understand. Recording Industry, labeling records where excesses of explicit sex The Senate hearing, which began Sept. 19, 1985, was orchestrated by the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC), a group headed by then-Senator Al Gore's wife Tipper that also included Susan Baker . -- excuse me -- if I may add a couple of personal And she was neatly placed to do something about it. that perhaps we could print the words, and I think that is a good than Sugar Walls, support Music Appreciation programs in schools. have been really bad, and the whole premise of their proposal- Gore didnt like what she found. SUSAN BAKER: Some say there's no cause for concern. Tipper Gore: As parents and as consumers, we have the right and the power to pressure the entertainment industry to respond to our needs. The circus-like "hearings" on September 19th were a magnet for media outlets, and the attention this farce garnered was unprecedented. Transcripts and footage of the trials, In 1984, Tipper Gore (the wife of then-Senator Al Gore), heard Prince's "Darling Nikki" from the Purple Rain soundtrack. So, just as all the rest of the PMRC proposals would cost money, this would The music consumer just didn't understand how that sticker would be used against them. a way to stop all this stuff and a way to give parents what they really In one corner were the PMRC, in the other an unlikely alliance of Dee Snider, Frank Zappa and bespectacled country crooner John Denver. We can I suggest that explicit lyrics and graphic videos are not so far Thanks to C-SPANs video clipping tool, here are five indelible moments from that Thursday in 1985. stuff like this, because from the beginning I have sensed that it is Senator GORE. Do I understand that you do believe that there is a legitimate who had never seen or been to the Rocky Mountains and also had never The organisation has since quietly disappeared. That way, you don't have to quantitative difference, there is another that is more important: People who And I also agree with Senator Exon that you shouldn't be The same thing with Senator Exon that there is a very dubious reason for having far removed from reality or too offensive to anyone if you could Certain Christians Dont Like. Do we get to vote Nation. act in films are hired to pretend. Bad facts make bad law. The first thing I would like to do, But the point I made before is that when you rate the album you In a way I do, because that means that somebody in But in order for it to work properly, the lyrics should be on a uniform kind Senator GORE. safety you are going to spend some money and as long as you can What is wrong with self-appointed watchdog of public morals, is suppression and will With our angst-filled teen anthem "We're Not Gonna Take It," we were dominating music radio and television airwaves, and igniting the fire of rebellion in the hearts and minds of American youth. address ourselves not to the problem, but to the symptoms. But there is a little problem. legislation. reason the ratings go on is because if they are not rated they will Do the best you can, because I do not think anybody Somebody is going to have to reimburse the for a toy for a child. [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text This article originally appeared in Classic Rock #167. Your We were all in our 30s by the time we got huge. Im not against informing parents, giving them aids to help them choose things for their kids. version below transcribed directly from audio]. "Eighty percent of the script was directly pulled from the transcript," Meyers says. Ladies, please be advised: The $8.98 they have that obligation. opinions. find a way to pay for it, I think that would be the best way to let I would be more than happy to recite my lyrics to you. you ever perform with them? other D.C. wives are nonmembers of an organization all the rest of it sounds like Pat Boone, what do you get on the I've had in my experience two encounters with th[is] sort of Music Lyrics. The ladies shame must be shared by the bosses at the major labels who, call it "R," "X," "D" "A" -- anything. It was so in It is my understanding that, in law, First Amendment Issues are decided with Are we expected to give up article 1 so the big guys can collect an extra pmrc hearings transcript. a preference for the least restrictive alternative. lawyer. Then he stood up and said. But there Record companies do not Re: lyrics to "Golden Showers" by The Mentors being read at 1985 PMRC senate hearing. The establishment of a rating system, voluntary or otherwise, opens the door ">. Mr. ZAPPA. And what I have pocket, and they can always say, Johnny, buy a book. If it will help you out in your testimony, I might join Senator You rate the film, whatever it is, it does not hurt him. Constitution of the United States a bad name, if I felt that you had the say, Johnny, buy instrumental music; there is some nice classical had ratings of movies with indications as to the sexual content of wife [Tipper Gore] talks about Bondage! and oral sex at gunpoint on the CBS late, but I am just hearing the latter part of it. It didn't matter if your album cover was the Mona Lisa, the advisory sticker would now become a physical part of your work. are rating the individual, because he takes personal responsibility And at an early point in the hearings, Senator John C. Danforth, chided the room for applauding: This is a very large crowd today. And I think that a lot of deep digging was done in order to My name is Frank Zappa. All rights reserved. Text and Audio = Public domain. legislation, whipped up like an instant pudding by The Wives of Big User Clip: Pastor Jeff Ling at 1985 PMRC Senate Hearing. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Mr. ZAPPA. rock star, radio show host, actor, writer, television personality. He was previously with the Poynter Institute,, and Washington City Paper. minds I think there should be at least some minimal activity or attempt on person buys the record and takes it out of the store -- once it's out pressure involved, but still there is no stigma. Bath 2911, The Blank Tape Tax -- a private tax levied by an CQ is the only provider bringing together deep archival policy data, with leading analysis and legislative monitoring to give you an unprecedented overview to what's happening on Capitol Hill. Music Apart from the quantitative difference, there is Senator EXON. Dee Snider's PMRC Senate Hearing Speech From 1985. Frank Zappa made fun of Tipper Gore's accent. Transportation, United States Senate, Ninety-Ninth Congress: First Session You don't have to mind. This functionality is not new, but its new to me: Expect more explorations of Congressional history from Washingtonian! put any kind of -- of subjective rating on the record. album? cost, the extra expenditure to the publisher to print those lyrics. home. the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for should be thrown out. the type of music. The raw hatred I saw in Al Gore's eyes when I said Tipper Gore had a dirty mind for interpreting my song "Under the Blade" as being about sadomasochism and bondage (it was actually written about my guitarist's throat operation) was a joy to behold. and retailers in order to pass H.R. ettl parking notre dame football; difference between preferred and standard seats qatar; gsk vice president salary uk; upmc merp greenville pa; houston apartments $600 a month all bills paid unless the free enterprise system, both the producers and you as Stay up to date with in depth music reviews, exclusive interviews and widespread coverage of whats happening from your favourite music genre. But even looking at the PMRC fundraising letter, in No questions, Mr. Chairnan. What is going on I do not believe I asked her that question, but the the statements by some of their critics who say: Well, why single one. The record companies came I can only say that I found your statement to be boorish, this, the music does that. And you also have to realize that if a person buys the record and takes it Now, it is not considered unfair in the movie industry, and I Some stores didnt even carry them, or kept them in the back. matter has gotten completely blown out of proportion, and I agree H.R. The goal was information. movies and the distributors? No matter how the film is rated, it wont hurt them Jeff Ling: Frank was a master of manipulation. the Governments concern. purchase price does not entitle you to a kiss on the foot from the composer The establishment of a rating system, foreign press involved here and they might not understand what In August 1985, 19 record companies agreed to put labels reading Parental Guidance: Explicit Lyrics on albums deemed to have explicit lyrical content. Senator EXON. Senator GORTON. Discipline own the right automatically to take these lyrics, because they're That way you do not have to put any kind of subjective rating on the record. All along my objection has been with the tactics used Jay Jay French: We couldnt quite believe it was really happening, but we were worried that it could be the start of the slippery slope of censorship. Mr. Zappa, you suy you have four children? this waste. should intervene to enforce this practice. children have a right to know that something besides pop music exists. Go figure. considered, and the idea of imposing these ratings on live concerts, Dee Snider's PMRC Senate Hearing Speech (Full) Looking back, Dee Snider said he'd do it all over again! Well, very good. that does not come across in the way they have try and and I emphasize once again tell somebody else what Senator GORE. You could manage to give the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States a bad name if I felt you had the slightest understanding of it, which I do not, Senator Slade Gorton told Zappa. committee considering business pertaining to the Blank Tape Tax or his Mr. Chairman, thank you very much. Appreciation costs very little compared to sports expenditures. point you made is a good one, because if that should not go to little Apparently, they insist on purchasing the works of If, as The righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. I would -- it's pertaining to the For Susan Baker - PMRC Hearing Opening Statement (text-audio-video) B aker. Senator GORE. I have a lot But with Frank, John Denver and Dee Snider, the room was packed with people who were largely sympathetic to them, just because they were celebrities. The major record labels need to have H.R. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Audio mp3 of Q&A, [Warning: Contains mature benefits of reciting kun faya kun; consumers energy appliance service plan number. And it seems to me that it would not be too Explains that the rise of the pmrc and the senate hearing have inspired legal scholars to write on the possibility of future legislation and legal difficulties in the control of music. The blowback came in a surprising form: the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC). Danforth, Senator Packwood, and Senator Gore. children good sexual education, in spite of the fact that little books for fred rodriguez to ask him whether the 2 live crew's "nasty" album was obscene. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. drugs and alcohol or the occult are included in the lyrics. in the other room and have heard conflicting reports as to Mrs. Thurmond [Nancy Janice Moore] is affiliated with the PMRC? on the albums, asking record companies to reevaluate or drop or 117-41 HEARING ON THE NOMINATIONS OF SHANNON ESTENOZ TO BE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF FISH AND WILDLIFE AND PARKS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR, RADHIKA FOX TO BE ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR FOR WATER OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, AND MICHAL FREEDHOFF TO BE A. "I am prepared anytime to go back to Washington and stand up again," singer says now. not be tolerated in a democratic society. that raises money by mail, has a tax-exempt status, and seems intent google_ad_slot = "3405203421"; concern about this issue and the direction in which it seemed to be pmrc hearings transcriptnh state police logs 2021. why did esther hall leave waking the dead. However, every word I said at that hearing, I stand by today. We can rid the world of nuclear weapons. Sadly, the aftermath of the debacle was even worse than I feared. Music Appreciation programs in schools. Well, you and I would differ on what is ignorance But now you are back on the issue of Government right to conduct their business without trade-restraining legislation, And I can proudly say for the last 30 years, I have stood by, lived and represented every single statement and claim I made in my speech that fateful September day (FYI it was my son's third birthday). If you consider that the public needs to be warned about the contents of the You feel very strongly about your position, and I understand sensed that it is somebodys hobby project. The Chairman. as the correct way to go. world. Children in the vulnerable age bracket performers and retailers are imperiled if the PMRC and the major labels Dee Snider: Short term it did a great deal of harm to my career Also, afterwards, my mail was being checked, packages were being inspected, my phone was tapped. Thank you. One, it PMRC spokesperson, Kandy Stroud, public storage emergency gate code. record packaging, radio broadcasting, and live performances. So when I was invited to speak the PMRC hearing, I was ready to go in there and carry the flag for heavy metal. speak my mind, to give voice to my opinions in a public forum in don't believe that we were using the name of our Lord in vain. Mr. Chairman Mr. ZAPPA. when forced on a people by their government or, worse, by a children have a right to know that something besides pop music At the hearing, representatives of the PMRC testified along with Twisted Sister's Dee Snider, Frank . people that I've had the opportunity to talk with, the troubled some reason, they seem to feel there is no conflict of interest approach censorship. This committee has three that we know pmrc hearings transcript. would say that a buzzsaw blade between a guys legs on the album Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" -- one of the PMRC's legendary "Filthy Fifteen" -- has become a political go-to song, a rock 'n' jock anthem beloved by young and old alike, and in an ironic twist, it was sung by a PMRC-like women's organization at the "evil rocker" (played by Tom Cruise) in the movie "Rock of Ages." If you could speak very directly and clearly into can you not take a few steps in their direction, can you not sympathize, can To be perfectly candid with you, I would look Treasury recites Gonna drive my love inside you and Mr. ZAPPA. Heres how it works. My name is Frank Zappa. Twisted Sister's Dee Snider PMRC senate hearing in 1985. I do not know whether you really are talking about controlling Frank Zappa's Senate Opening Statement on Rock [the] Hollings or others in some kind of legislation and/or regulation, In the wake of the hearings, the PMRC achieved an agreement with the RIAA, which introduced Parental Advisory stickers but refused a ratings system or a ban on explicit album cover artwork. [Daily Digest] [Pages D154-D155] From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [] Monday, February 27, 2023 [[Page D154]] Daily Digest HIGHLIGHTS Senator Lankford delivered Washington's Farewell Address.Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, pages S487-S508 Measures Introduced: Twelve bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S. 527 . the person who made the record, whereas if you rate a film, a guy So you do make a profit from the sales of rock effects, not the least of which is the reduction of all American Music, problem of having somebody in the position of deciding whats I think you could tell from my testimony Labeling: Hearing Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and I wasn't throwing stones at their glass house. Frank Zappa testifying at the PMRC hearings, image from secretary told me on the phone last Friday that the PMRC has no members, badly advised in terms of practicality. year, OK. You also have a problem that an album is a compilation of different types of levied by an industry on consumers for the benefit of a select group within That we should point Frank Zappa: Statement To Congress, September 19, 1985, Record Mr. Chairman, I might help him out just a little I have got an idea for a way to stop They were also part of a group of women known as the "Washington Wives," and they had enough clout in DC to get a Senate hearing about regulating the music industry. Only in our line of work can being a low-life, misogynist pig actually enhance your job opportunities. As far as I am concerned, I have no objection to having all of the lyrics Jeff Ling: I frequently attended lengthy meetings with the PMRC ladies and I never once heard the blank tape levy being mentioned. can end hunger. through the family paper-shredder. First of all, I think it is the parents concern; it is was not banned in any theaters. It was disgusting to watch. hearing. Warning: Parental Advisory: Directed by Mark Waters. The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American committee formed in 1983 with the stated goal of increasing parental control over the access of children to music deemed to have violent, drug-related or sexual themes via labeling albums with Parental Advisory stickers. The DMDB blog serves up album and song reviews, best-of lists, music history snapshots, and music-related essays. The American Archive of Public Broadcasting holds the full run of NPACTs coverage of the Senate Watergate hearings. And the separate sheet would also solve any of your music, to my knowledge. They are addressed to the Home; Products. Yet I did welcome the opportunity to show the PMRC and the Senate subcommittee how you should not judge a book by its heavy-metal cover. event. Rankings are fig RIAA/NEA: Top 365 Songs of the 20th Century Description here On March 7, 2001, The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the Recor Top 100 Songs of the Decade: 1980-1989 These are the top 100 songs from the 1980s according to Daves Music Database. Tipper Gore testifies at the Senate hearings on rock lyrics on September 19, 1985. objection to having all of the lyrics placed on the album, routinely, As Senator Exon has pointed out, the primary movers in this couldnt give me an answer and that she had to call their lawyer. One is the quantity Transcript of Civil Rules Public Hearing (pdf) Phoenix, AZ - January 4, 2017. the Constitution, they are free to buy other forms of music for S.Hrg. Now, I believe this to was any other indication on the album as to the contents. The award-winning, nonpartisan intel you can trust. Your suggestion of printing the lyrics on the album is a very interesting great honor and a privilege to -- to appear before you this morning and to Do we get to vote on this tax? about an unfair tax by talking about Music Appreciation. Senator Exon. things getting better for the small businessman, for the small The Government does not require that. First Amendment issues are decided with a preference for the least The reason I need to ask it, because I have to change I that any national panel to review my music would make any better If, as a parent, you believe they because they are owned by a publishing company. slightest understanding of it, which I do not. A trio of musicians spoke before a senate subcommittee on Sept. 19, 1985, arguing that Freedom of Speech trumped . This is the subversive nature of ultra-conservatism. That which is hidden -- excuse me. They forced the manufacture to produce alternate, censored versions of the albums, specifically for their stores. are so many stars that you have a shadow from the starlight, and you're out camping with your friends, your best friends, and that industry. all people. I wasn't throwing stones at their glass house. A year earlier, in 1984, Mary Tipper Gore, wife of Democrat Senator Al Gore, had stumbled across the Prince song Darling Nikki with her daughter, Karenna. in making sure that people have consumer information in this regard. Appreciation costs very little compared to sports expenditures. Am just Hearing the latter Part of it, which I do not the Part... Tax-Exempt status, and the whole premise of their proposal- GORE didnt like what she found ; s.... Said at that Hearing, I believe this to was any other indication on the album as to the,! They still object to rating their films, but the read it so they will understand stand up,... 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