lawyers against dhr

lawyers against dhr

The lawsuit seeks a court order requiring DHR to immediately change its policies and practices. I am in shock! 1. Im not sure that mentally Ill ever be the same agai, as far as trusting people. And Id cry or have tears in my eyes almost everytime Id come..Then, During the circle meeting ( second half of cr) that Id rarely speak, rarely smile but Id try. please help I wasnt charged was in motel with kids homeless n Houston county all dhr please help illegally kidnapped and I have a vehicle and a house now. My sister. If you want your story shared with the public submit here. Don't resort to form demand letters when you're unsure. The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA), 325 ILCS 5/1 et seq., is the enabling legislation granting DCFS the authority to investigate and indicate allegations of child abuse or neglect. Waiting about 6 months.. Standing on my feet for hours when I have a severe congenital deformity of the hip.. Aggravating the severe pain I feel everyday anyway.. They also said that I would never make enough money to get my son back and Im trippin balls ready to hunt!!! I basically raised the two oldest on my own for the first 7 and first 3 years of thier lives because the bio father was never there and showed no interest in being a father or. So to be able to even be able to function some days I had to continue to take my medication for pain, there were days I could barely walk, and Im a fall hazard. omg i live in arizona and my son was with his father for 2 years when he turned 14 you know how a boy needs his father unless his father is a piece of crap and has been kept in safety net for the last 8 months in minter alabama i won the trial case but dhr appealed it can you believe that i want to sue them because they are under court order because the are such f ups and they do exactly opposite if what their mission statement says they do and they are still operating off of ego and the attitude they can do whatever they wanti have contacted alabama attys but with no return calls if you ask me the entire legal system down there is imbred. So what does it mean to us, the victims of people like DHR Social Worker Labrisca Cook, GAL Attorney Denise H Burch, Judge Billy Jackson, DHR Supervisor Sarah Hendershot, DHR Commissioner Nancy Buckner, and all of the deceitful, manipulative, horrible people that assist in the Farce known as Family Court on a daily basis? I couldnt really get much of a straight answer from my babyabout her poor little ear.. Just I fell down the steps going to the back yard ( these are steps leading from a second story outdoor deck to aBout 10-15 steps down to a landing that turned and had about 5 more steps leading to a ground level.. A long fall) Outside of that, She was more concerned w me taking her to the slide Lol.. The Kilgo Law Firm provides family law like divorce, custody, child support, adoption, and DHR/child protective services, as well as criminal defense and more to Cullman, AL and the surrounding areas. Big Fish Foundation Information and Donations:bigfishfoundation.orgBrian Chontosh | @tosh.crookedbutterflyCheck out my mental preparation course:https://josh. Echo one entered kindergarten about ready to read already way in advance than many of thier classmates. Placed under depression n anxiety meds due to mental n physical abuse she had endured. Due to the unique nature of juvenile law and procedure, it is important that you hire an experienced child abuse attorney that regularly works in that area of law and has built relationships with the actual social workers, DHR attorneys and family court Judges. WOW! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); hello my children were taken by dhr and two placed in Jefferson county and one is still in Blount county but when cps came to my house the officer told me one thing at my door and when I got to court the worker wrote down something else as the reason why they were there and they want allow me and my husband to share a lawyer and the lawyer I was given says she is on dhr side and will do what they say not what I say can someone help me, My son is in mobile county dhr they are trying to terminate my parental rights I ha e been fighting them for 2 years . falsified lab results. determine your best course of legal action. It was somewhere between 700 and 900 million dollars for 2009. Plz I need someone to Do you hear me and listen to the situation that Ive been put in to two of my past and mistakes that Ive made my children have been taking wrongfully Ive been accused of a lot of things and I have Dhr just do me any kind away and I have has all my drug screens I have done everything asked me to do and I need a lawyer to listen to my story and to fight for my children and pay for myself and show the correct is Dhr in Houston County Alabama theres anybody out there that has any that right step for me to take please my children were taken wrongfully and Im being persecuted wrongfully and I have all the evidence in black-and-white and recordings to prove that Im in a say and that my children are taking wrongfully, anybody with any kind of BS with Blount County Alabama DHR send me a email please, My husband and I are interested in sueing DHR in Tallapoosa v. I need assistance with a case in Dale county. Hi Rob. advocate to guide you through your situation. Its a small town and no one would go against the judge. 2 Have CPS served with the complaint. The same thing is happening to me now. The Yeatts Law Firm, LLC I hope everything worked out for you. And Ive had to stop several times because I got upset. My daughter seven. I would love to rally more support for evryone going thru this hell!!! Las Vegas Nevada 89117 The person she is with is very unstable , I know this because I was there neighbor too . You should contact an attorney if you seek specific legal advice or assistance. I apologize this is SOOOO LONG winded.. Mr. I am gearing up for a lawsuit myself against OCSS. That noted that I was very stable and they were surprised that , due to the high stress that I was function far that the normal person . The mission of the agency is to ensure that " every . If so can you tell me how? Among other physical disabilities. As Greg wrote in DHR Safety Plans: An Illusion of Consent: To sum it up, get a lawyer when DHR shows up. Your attorney will file your complaint in the federal district court that has jurisdiction over the county where the CPS agency is located. With a team of experienced attorneys and paralegals, we establish close working relationships with our clients, resulting in strong and effective representation and characterized by empathy, caring, and understanding. Alabama Department of Human Resources Administrative Code (Regulations) The Supreme Court also upheld $1.6 million in attorneys fees for Fogarty-Hardwick's attorneys, but that could end being as much as $3 million, Fogarty-Hardwick's attorney Shawn McMillan said. Birmingham child abuse attorney Patrick K. Yeatts will work directly with you in your DHR case. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. We accept most credit cards. Certainty is not required to make such a report; all that is required is (1) The department shall notify the alleged perpetrator that an investigation has commenced against him or her after such investigation has officially begun in accordance with written policies established by the Department of Human Resources. Orange County Social Services social workers Marcie Vreeken and Helen Dwojak filed false reports and held back evidence which would have cleared Fogarty-Hardwick, an Orange County jury found. Im now afraid to get close to ANYONE. And eventually having a mental or nervous breakdown during mY second job and after the second tpr trial but I believe it began way before that.. Your email address will not be published. Call local tv. Our new attorney said shed just had two cases reversed this month. and leading by example. In any case, though, the DHR will continue to work with the child and seek or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. It is election year in which my ex has exclaimed he has contributed unofficially. I am grandmother of 5 year granddaughter. }, { same here Nebraska is faulty as heck down here }, { hey we should talk as I want to do the same with Nebraska. anyways keep ur heads up and just do do do and good luck. I was essentially bullied into being made to feel or playing on my desperation to get my kids home by making me feel like if I didnt have a job Id end up losing them forever.. This experience was complemented by Greg having been appointed to hundreds of cases as a Guardian ad Litem for children as well. I was told by dhr that if I didnt sign custody over I would lose my parental rights. Baise and corruption . you do know the technology exists to fabricate dreams and visions. Therapy revealed that they had severe discipline while in his care, mental abuse and more. I even hired a investigator and the judge would not allow his testimony ! We fight against CPS attempts to break up families every day in court and out of court. dropdown button. in the event that a parent may seek to retaliate with legal action. I was incredulous at how I was treated but in a way not surprised. The woman that did our drug test didnt do it properly and we want help to take this system down cause my son had no father while I am all he has. The Guardian at Litem and the Case Worker saidyou better hire a lawyer! He has an exceptional attitude and is an , He was able to settle my case out of court, and I got custody of my children thanks to his hard work and tireless efforts, Brad helped me collect over $8,000 that my ex-husband owed in back child support., One Chase Corporate Drive Im a poster child for this activity, I am in DESPERATE NEED OF A Chilton Co. DHR atty. When he asked the caseworker if she had a copy of it she said NO.. My attorney then asked her supervisor if she was the one that had the results of the drug screen and if so could she provide it to the court. One way to know which law firm to hire is by asking your family and friends. children report signs of abuse or neglect to the Department of Human Resources Murrah Ive purchased clothing and school supplies I really couldnt afford to buy but I did anyway. The New York State Division of Human Rights was created to enforce this important law. Although the independent tests have vindicated them, they still do However, the reality is that an ever-increasing number of state and federal courts, in Florida and elsewhere, are taking a much harsher and more aggressive approach toward civil litigants and . There im also having an issue. Birmingham, the state wastes taxpayer dollars to hire private attorneys to help fight DHR cases. I need help. Everyone covers for each other like sick, depraved little thieves. Alabama Family Rights Association working to preserve the fundamental rights of children and their families. My now 13 year old daughter (she was approx 9 when she and her sister went to Michigan.) The Illinois Department of Human Rights (the "IDHR") and the Illinois Attorney General's Office (the "OAG") issue this non-regulatory guidance to clarify Illinois law as it relates to pregnancy and related reproductive health decisions, and to identify protections from pregnancy discrimination that exist in Illinois. I am so very hurt and heartbroken and i have met many ppl since it started and most of the cases are just dumb maybe the dhr workers are to pussy to go stop a real danger person from a child. The court appointed attorney told us that day not to worry, they would have another hearing and we could submit everything then. }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself. Toll-Free Phone: 1-877-581-5035 Please send me info I need to be stopped before they do something else to somebody elses family for no reason. I dont care for money out of this case. I dont want to see anyone else experience the hell we All did, My chdren wAS taken 3 years ago just over scratches and headlice yes we have proof we tried everything to get ride of the headlice kids are gonna get scratches this happened in Lauderdale co Alabama Dhr hasnt believed us since day one my kids wanna come home in intreasted in sueing them in Lauderdale co for false info and wrongful cussing us. I got released November 4th, yesterday. And I dressed as well as anyone else. Contacting a human resources lawyer after experiencing discrimination or another employment issue is crucial. I worked very hard , and forced myself out of that!! A jury ruled against her. I am currently fighting an unjust case with DHR of lee county Al and in need of help to regain custody of my five children. The jury award given to Fogarty-Hardwick included damages against the two social workers. She fought the,System to US Supreme Court n won $4.9 million plus punitive damages in 2007. Have them adopt her..I have been fighting for 3 years and have jumped through every hoop..I need help I just want my child back and for this to not happen to any other mother and father thAt love and would be great for their children please Hell I have a very good case..thank u 2563938647 please send a text..thanks, Hello my name is Lindsay Breeden I live in etowah county and an about to lose all rights to my youngest child..dhr has lied on me lied to me and is working with the foster family to. We went to court and I provided the courts with texts messages from Wesley in may 2019 stating he had smoked five joints on a row, at a friends house (Lance) dhr then made us both drug test that day after court, to see if we tested positive for drugs or things we werent prescribed. even after leaving dhr custody) This dhr agency has manipulated, lied, cheated, brainwashed. The caseworker was never disciplined despite the unsatisfactory performance appraisal, and remained an employee of the Alabama Office of Childrens Services at DHR. 8550 W Charleston Blvd who may have been negatively impacted by receiving false positives on these Handles all types of juvenile court matters throughout the state. They gave my daughter to his neighbor that he put in his will . They figure out how to make money using their positions of authority, and thats the end of honesty. good afternoon my name is Jessica Gonzalez they took my kids away from me January 10th 2014 do two positives marijuana I have done everything that they told me to do when I found out they took partial custody away from me I didnt know what that meant at first they didnt explain it I didnt have no one to turn to but at that time I was clean for13 months when they told me they took partial custody I didnt know what to do I didnt know who to turn to who to talk to so what I did was I relapse I smoke K2 for 4 months I know I need to help so I put myself in the hospital and I was at Fairmont behaviour analysis for 21 days and I put myself in a program call stop and surrender I completed 6 months I graduated from parenting classes I did my anger management classes for 6 months on January 19 2016 they terminated my rights I appealed it 5 months ago they brought into the court my lawyer the at A101 and everyone refused to sign it I have not heard or seen my kids they are accusing me of molesting my kids theres no proof and theres no evidence they interrogated my kids and two separate and supposedly they said that I left them pop a pimple in my private area and thats not true I would never do that on the 17th of this month is going to be 7 months that Ive been waiting for this appeal Ive been talking to my lawyer listen but hes not understanding me I dont have no one to turn to I dont know my rights I dont know what to do you keep on bugging me on my past history that are continuing to relapse but this time I didnt do it for them I did it for myself I know I needed help so I seek for help Ive been clean for a year and now July 25th 2016 I go to therapy once a week this is very difficult for me I miss my kids I dont know what to do all the doors keep on closing up on me so what I did was Google to see whats my rights so can you please help me I dont know how to read and write I have a learning disability so if you can call me or text me on my phone I will preciate it my cell phone number is 267 622 3628 and once again my name is Jessica Gonzalez. Kathleen Raskin case is one of the most egregious acts that has ever been perpetrated on Nor could I afford to buy myself brand new clothing for that matter. Here is what I suggest (in alabama) anyway. The case worker made biases and inflammatory remarks via email and phone conversation with priest on phone about ours and childs religion. With a team of experienced attorneys and paralegals, we establish close working relationships with our clients, resulting in strong and effective representation and characterized by empathy, caring, and understanding. Caseworker was never disciplined despite the unsatisfactory performance appraisal, and remained an of. Rights of children and their families seek to retaliate with legal action better a... Million plus punitive damages in 2007 they figure out how to make money using their positions of authority and. An account through one of the agency is located family and friends child abuse attorney Patrick Yeatts. 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