coulson aviation net worth

coulson aviation net worth

This time the air tanker descended two times over the fire zone, crashing at 4:14 pm, while executing the second descent in the Fitzgerald River National Park. [vital] supplier . Nine offerors, including Neptune, Coulson, 10 Tanker, and Minden, submitted proposals by the February 15, 2012, closing date. AR, Tab 44, SPE Memorandum to ASA Regarding Sole-Source Award to Neptune, Dec.2, 2013, at 1-112. Tr. at 4. Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc.; 10Tanker Air Carrier, LLC., B-406920 et al., Sept. 7, 2012. We first implemented our night aerial fire suppression protocols in response to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria Australia. [34] AR, Feb. 19, 2014, at 3-7. [27] The Forest Service issued cure notices to Coulson, Minden, Aero Air, and Aero-Flite in September 2013 for failure to provide approved NextGen airtankers by the contracts MAP start dates. Moreover, given the contract options available to the Forest Service under the competitively-awarded NextGen contracts, Neptune may no longer represent a vital source that must be maintained by the Forest Service after 2017. 3304(a). The protesters argue that the sole-source contract awarded to Neptune, which was promised in exchange for Neptunes withdrawal of an earlier bid protest, is not justified. Thus, the agencys J&A inaccurately described the services to be obtained from Neptune on a noncompetitive basis. Subsequently, the Forest Service amended the NextGen solicitation and received revised proposals from offerors. The J&A also stated that the agency took into account alternative resources, and found there were no certified large airtankers currently available that were not already under contract with the Forest Service capable of meeting NextGen contract requirements. There are no executives at OTC Markets getting paid more. Absent from the J&A, however, was any discussion regarding Neptunes need for a sole-source contract to remain a source of supply. As detailed below, the record indicates that the verbal representations of Neptunes CEO concerning the firms financial viability were relied upon by the Forest Service when determining the agencys actions. Moreover, apart from Neptunes own unsupported statements and the anecdotal views of various agency officials, the record contains no analysis or evidence of Neptunes financial condition after 2017.[36]. Two of the C550 jets have been purchased by the New South Wales (NSW) Rural Fire Service in Australia and will make the long journey once the upgrades by Coulson are complete. 6. AR, Tab66, USDA Email to GAO, Sept. 6, 2012. This statement is also factually inaccurate insofar as 10 Tanker had a certified large airtanker currently available, which the Forest Service actually contracted for in 2013. Rather, the record demonstrates, as acknowledged by the agency, that Neptune is presently financially viable and is expected to remain financially viable through the term of its Legacy airtanker contract (2017). & Engg Co., B-403561, Nov. 18, 2010, 2010 CPD 276 at 3; SSI Tech., Inc., B-298212, B-298212.2, July 14, 2006, 2006 CPD 183 at 4. 5. Tr. In my time with Coulson I haven't seen them skimp or cut corners anywhere. Within Tanzania he has a comprehensive corporate/commercial practice covering all aspects of non-contentious transactional . . Coulson has not released any additional specific technological modifications or upgrades it is making to the aircraft. In reaching its conclusions, FI found that Neptune had based its revenue projections for years 2-5 of the Legacy contract on the base-year rates instead of the higher, option-year rates set forth in the contract. . . [31] The USDA contends, citing to our decision in Merlin Intl, Inc., B-310611, Jan. 2, 2008, 2008 CPD 66, that a protester is not an interested party to challenge a sole-source award unless it can meet all of the agencys requirements at the time of the sole-source determination. In addition to its current Legacy contract (including options for more airtankers being placed under the Legacy contract), Neptune is not precluded from competing on work--Forest Service or otherwise--in the coming years. 2 Future records only include new-built aircraft close to delivery and expected second-hand deliveries. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [39] The agency argues that it did not have to include the additional aircraft in the J&As description, inasmuch as these bilateral options would not be included in determining the required justification approval level as set forth in FAR 6.304(d). [33] Id. [8] AR, Tab56, Neptune Legacy Contract, at B-3 to B-21. We will sustain a protest, however, where an agencys J&A fails to demonstrate that it is in fact necessary to award a contract to a particular source for industrial mobilization purposes. [32] While there is both documentation and testimony suggesting some USDA and Forest Service officials believed the sole-source award here was based on urgency (i.e., having enough large airtankers available for the 2014 fire season, see Tr. Further, it offers software, and risk and performance analytics tools for the banking and finance industry; news, compliance, and communications solutions; online capital raising solutions; and OTCIQ, a market intelligence and investor relations portal. For example, our Office upheld a protest of a solesource award where an agency justified its failure to conduct a full and open competition on the basis that it had entered a settlement agreement promising the award of a contract in exchange for abandoning a threatened contract claim. Our teams pride themselves on operating safely and efficiently, with the ability to handle intense pressure in the most extreme firefighting theatres on earth. Age. 2020 at 477-78; AR, Tab 36, AQM Director Email, Oct. 30, 2013. It seems like if were interested in creating a balanced source of supply we would award more air tankers to the other legacy contractor, Minden, or add more air tankers to the current Next Gen contractors versus issuing a noncompetitive award to an unsuccessful offeror. On December 2, the SPE provided the ASA with a detailed memorandum and documents in support of her recommendation that he not approve the J&A. Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc., of Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada, 10 Tanker Air Carrier, LLC, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Minden Air Corp., of Minden, Nevada, protest the noncompetitive award of contract No. Tr. 2. The two crew members aboardboth pilotssurvived with minor injuries and were taken to hospital. By contrast, the second analysis conducted by FI--which did not simply accept Neptunes projections--found that Neptunes revenue projections were inconsistent with the terms of the Legacy contract, that Neptunes expected costs were lower than the company had itself projected, and that Neptune did not require a NextGen contract to remain viable through the term of the Legacy contract. If the agency determines the award of a contract on a sole-source basis to Neptune for large airtanker services is not necessary or that the contract awarded to Neptune does not reflect the agencys reasonably justified needs, the agency should terminate that contract or modify it as appropriate. AR, Tab23, RUS Financial Analysis of Neptune, June 26, 2013, at 1-4. See Agency Post-Hearing Comments, Mar. On its third mission, it took off at 3:32 pm. [34] For this reason, the agency argues, the FI financial analysis, which did not look beyond a 5-year period, was not relevant or relied upon in the J&A. AR, Tab31, FI Email to USDA, Aug. 13, 2013, at 1. By contrast, Neptune did not provide any detail with its cost projections to RUS, so it is unclear if fuel is included, or if government reimbursement is considered. Id. The SPE had several conversations with the ASA in which she recommended that he not approve the J&A as there was not a valid justification for doing so. His ex-wife, 53-year-old Anne Resnik is the daughter of the late Philip Morris. AR, Tab 144, RUS Email to USDA, June 3, 2013. Specifically, the record contains many letters and emails between Neptune and the Forest Service during this period, and reflects a number of conversations between Neptunes Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Forest Services Director of Fire and Aviation Management (FAM)[13] and Director of Acquisition Management (AQM). The Forest Service has determined that based on all the above reasons, it has become necessary to invoke this authority with respect to Neptune Aviation, whose resources and equipment must be available to provide key services if the Forest Service is to successfully fulfill its mission. However, FI also expressed its opinion to the SPE that Neptune remained viable (without a sole-source award) through the end of its Legacy contract (2017). Overview. [6] Although the agency considered these communications to be clarifications rather than discussions, a number of offerors were questioned about substantive issues, and their responses provided major revisions to their proposals. 41 U.S.C. Accordingly, on June 21 the Forest Service informed the SPE of the settlement agreement that the agency had entered with Neptune, and requested that she execute a justification and approval (J&A) for the sole-source award. We are world leaders in aerial firefighting innovation, providing meticulously serviced aircraft in order to safely and efficiently attack fires 24/7. [12] AR, Tab 71, Neptune Protest (B-406920.8), May 16, 2013. at 138, 235. Tr. See York Intl Corp., supra; Department of the Army--Recon., B-237742.2, June 11, 1990, 90-1 CPD 546. The Forest Service is not confident that five of the seven contracted NextGen airtankers will be available to fight fires in 2014. On June 13, the Forest Service made NextGen contract awards as follows: AR, Tab 71, Neptune Protest, May 16, 2013 (B-406920.8), exhib. See FAR 6.304(a)(3). Neptunes Financial Stability - . A noncompetitive contract was awarded to Neptune on December12. Co., B-228502, Jan. 4, 1988, 88-1 CPD 1 at 3. Canada V9Y 8E9. While it was conducting the NextGen large airtanker procurement, the Forest . Agencies are provided, however, with authority to conduct noncompetitive procurements in specific limited circumstances. It was retired by Southwest in August 2017, and transferred to Coulson Aviation later that month. In 2017, the number of [large airtankers] under contract to the Forest Service will decrease from 16 to 7, with the expiration of the Legacy contracts, unless additional NextGen airtankers are procured from the current NextGen contractors. AR, Tab 67, NextGen RFP, at M-4. The company will do the same . Id. As the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of OTC Markets, the total compensation of R Coulson at OTC Markets is $924,940. at 45. 2 Future records only include new-built aircraft close to delivery and expected second-hand deliveries. He received his BBA from Southern Methodist University in 1989 and holds an OPM from Harvard Business School. After a period of storage and conversion, it began operating as an air tanker in July 2022.[7][8]. Consequently, the agency argues, the J&A was not grounded on the agencys belief that Neptune would immediately go out of business without a NextGen contract, but was based on its concern with Neptunes continued availability as a large airtanker supplier after 2017 when its Legacy contract expired. . at 441, 451; AR, Tab24, SPE Email to AQM Requesting Additional Neptune Information, July12, 2013, at 1-2. [10] The total estimated cost was based on the 5-year base period for a single aircraft. The protesters argue that the agency put the cart before the horse, and agreed to settle Neptunes protest before properly determining that the promised sole-source award complied with CICA. 18, 2014, at 9-10, 21; see also Tr. Global Leaders in Aerial Firefighting Coulson Aviation (Coulson Aircrane Ltd.) is a privately owned family company based in Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada. The agency anticipates issuing a similar contract modification for the 2014 fire season. (i) To maintain a facility, producer, manufacturer, or other supplier available for furnishing supplies or services in case of a national emergency or to achieve industrial mobilization. See 31 U.S.C. The NextGen RFP, issued as a small business set-aside, contemplated the award of multiple fixed-price contracts under seven contract line items (CLIN) for airtanker firefighting services on an exclusive-use basis. A, Calculation of Total Estimated Cost. Net Profit : Trademark Applications . Foster Coulson of Coulson Aviation said, A brand new technology package will be installed before [the aircraft] go to work. The aircraft will receive upgrades to their cameras and mission systems, as well as new liveries. The SPE also engaged FI Consulting, an external auditing firm, to perform an independent financial viability analysis of Neptune. Tr. In responding to the protests, the agency has acknowledged that it was initially concerned that Neptune would immediately go out of business in during [sic] the 2013 fire season, leaving the Forest Service without any of the Legacy air tankers Neptune supplied under the contract awarded March 27, 2013. Agency Post- Hearing Comments, Mar. at 457. The adequacy of the rationale and conclusions set forth in the J&A is dependent on the completeness and accuracy of the information included in the J&A. Even assuming all seven NextGen airtankers are available to fight fires in 2014, the Forest Service still will have only 16 [large airtankers], which is two [large airtankers] fewer than the minimum needed to fulfill its firefighting mission. The company has over 160,000. Decisions as to which suppliers should be included in a mobilization base, and which restrictions are required to meet the needs of industrial mobilization, involve complex judgments that are generally left to the discretion of the federal agencies. Turns out they have put the Mars back to work. Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Fla. Those plans fell through, but the plane may still find its way to a museum. | Overview Coulson . Robert K. Stewart, Jr., Esq., Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, for Neptune Aviation Services, Inc., the intervenor. Minden Protest, Feb.10, 2014, at 2-3. Thereafter, the agency decided to take corrective action by reopening the competition. 3301(a)(1). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The two crew members aboardboth pilotssurvived with minor injuries and were taken to hospital. The agency justified the solesource award under 41 U.S.C. . Tr. and the results or a statement of the reason market research was not conducted. FAR 6.303-2(b)(3), (5), (8). at 464. OTC Markets Group Inc. engages in the financial market business in the United States and internationally. AR, Tab 43, NRE Undersecretary Memo to ASA, Nov. 26, 2013, at 1-2. Protests of the award of a sole-source contract for firefighting airtanker services under the industrial mobilization exception to the requirement to conduct a competitive procurement are sustained where the sole-source contract resulted from a settlement agreement in exchange for the awardees withdrawal of an earlier protest and the record does not contain an adequate justification reasonably supporting the agencys use of noncompetitive procurement procedures. See e.g., AR, Tab 84, Forest Service Letter to Aero-Flite, Dec. 12, 2013. Neptune currently has available and ready to operate two airtankers that meet the specifications of the NextGen contract. The FireLiner conversion is scheduled to be completed in May 2021 in time for the next fire season in North America. 3304(a)(3)(A) (2006), which provides for a noncompetitive award to a particular source to maintain that supplier for a national emergency or to achieve industrial mobilization. [29] Id. at 536. Interested Party Status of Coulson and Minden. The aircraft was the 2762nd 737 built, and was delivered new to Southwest Airlines in November 1995. The Forest Service also made a Legacy contract award to Minden for one P2V aircraft. Click on the button below to send an email to our team and we will get to it as soon as possible. For the next three months the Forest Service tried to reach an alternative settlement agreement with Neptune. at 471-73. AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 32. Tr. The Forest Services procurement of NextGen airtanker services has a long and contentious history. We have six 737 FireLiner tankers, each receiving 43,000+ technician hours to become fully compliant and operational. AG-024B-C-14-9000, atB-1. On June 3, RUS provided USDA with its financial viability review of Neptune. Mr. Coulson is responsible for the Companys overall growth and strategic direction and has led the transformation of the company into an operator of regulated financial markets for U.S. and global companies. Download VCard. Subsequently, the Forest Service amended the NextGen solicitation and received revised proposals from offerors. [14] Neptune had also previously made an advance payment request of $424,750 under its Legacy contract for cash-flow reasons (i.e., the lack of revenue in advance of the fire season). See Hearing Transcript (Tr.) at735-36 (the agency plans to conduct additional competitions in the coming years under which Neptune would be eligible to compete and could receive awards). Coulson Aviation Australia | 3,766 followers on LinkedIn. [16] The Forest Service believed RUS possessed financial expertise that could be of assistance. On 6 February 2023, a Boeing 737-300 owned by Coulson Aviation and used as an air tanker crashed in the Fitzgerald River National Park in the Great Southern Region of Western Australia while fighting multiple fires. Coulson GroupCoulson AviationCoulson Ice BlastCoulson Unical, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress,, Coulson Aviation Australia ( . As the only aerial firefighting company operating both fixed-wing aircraft and Type 1 helicopters, Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc. is fully equipped to carry out aerial firefighting across the globe. As the President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of OTC Markets, the total compensation of R Coulson at OTC Markets is $924,940. It offers OTC Link Alternative Trading System, an interdealer quotation and trade messaging system; OTC Dealer, a real-time, front-end application that provides consolidated quotation, trading, and information system to attract and access market liquidity; OTC FIX, which uses the industry standard FIX protocol for quote submission, trading, and routing of execution reports; and OTC Link Electronic Communication Networks (ECN) that acts as the executing party on an agency basis in relation to transactions executed on the ECN's platform. These assertions, however, ignore the possibility or likelihood of Neptune acquiring additional work over the course of the next 4years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 500 Trillium Dr., Unit 23, Kitchener, ON N2R 1E5 | Phone: 519-748-1591 | Toll-Free: 1-866-834-1114 | Fax: 519-748-2537 See Ridgeline Indus., Inc., supra; Minowitz Mfg. On 6 February 2023, a Boeing 737-300 owned by Coulson Aviation and used as an air tanker crashed in the Fitzgerald River National Park in the Great Southern Region of Western Australia while fighting multiple fires. 31, 1992, 92-2 CPD 29 at 3-4. . If the protesters were to prevail in their challenge, and the agency decided to meet its requirements by means of another competitive procurement for large airtankers, the protesters here would all be eligible to compete. On August 26, the Forest Service informed Neptune that the SPE would not approve the sole-source contract contemplated by the parties settlement agreement, insofar as the financial analysis of the additional documents provided by Neptune indicated that the company was financially viable without such a contract. One such example was the difference in Neptunes revenue projections detailed above. In this regard, however, the J&A did not address the fact that both 10Tanker and Coulson had previously approached the Forest Service about adding additional airtankers to their NextGen contracts (two additional airtankers in the case of Coulson), and that 10Tanker had delivered a second certified airtanker to the Forest Service for the 2013 fire season. T: (250) 724-7600 F: (250) 723-7766. NI Indus., Inc., Vernon Div., B-223941, Dec. 15, 1986, 86-2 CPD 674 at 3. Tr. Tr. at 55, 75; AR, Tab 1, FAM Director Declaration, Jan. 28, 2014, at 5. Theres no evidence to support the assertion that Neptune would not be able to meet an emergency need for aircraft. at 466-67. Neptune Comments, Feb.24, 2014, at 3-5, citing AR, Tab 150, Neptune Financial Assumptions, May 29, 2013 ([b]ased on denial of contracts under the Next Generation Airtanker Services Solicitation, Neptune is now faced with extinction after the expiration of the Legacy Contracts). AR, Jan. 31, 2014, at 9 n.7; Tr. [28] In fact, at the hearing conducted by our Office, the ASA testified that the financial analysis conducted by FI led [USDA] to an understanding that Neptune would not go out of business. Tr. Specifically, the agency contends that Coulson and Minden did not have additional large airtankers available at the time the J&A was signed that would be capable of performing the requirements of the Neptune sole-source contract (which has an April 28, 2014, start date). [28] See AR, Tab 49, Neptune J&A, Dec. 9, 2013, at 1-6. Missouri Mach. . Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program. 4 C.F.R. [26] The direct supervisors/managers are open door and good listeners. D, 2012 NextGen Contract Award Abstract. Neptune then withdrew its bid protest (the parties settlement agreement was not provided to our Office). The company was formerly known as Pink OTC Markets Inc. and changed its name to OTC Markets Group Inc. in January 2011. at 107; AR, Tab 18, Neptune Settlement Agreement, June 6, 2013, exhib. Various internal meetings also took place among senior Forest Service and USDA officials, including USDAs Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment (NRE Undersecretary) and the Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA),[23] in an attempt to resolve the Neptune matter. The protesters also point to the fact that the only legitimate financial analysis conducted (the analysis by FI) demonstrated that Neptune did not require a sole-source contract to remain viable, as recognized by the agencys SPE, who refused to approve the J&A. As stated above, our review of an agencys decision to conduct a noncompetitive procurement focuses on the adequacy of the rationale and conclusions set forth in the J&A. 15, 2013. 29 Sep 1995. At the end of the first day of the hearing, the GAO hearing official noted that the testimony thus far appeared to support the protesters arguments that the communications between the agency and various offerors were discussions rather than clarifications, as described by FAR 15.306. Rather, the ASA believed there existed a professional disagreement between her view and his regarding the matter, and that the SPEs procurement expertise did not extend to understanding the Forest Services firefighting mission. at45253. Wildland Fire Management: Improvements Needed in Information, Collaboration, and Planning to Enhance Federal Fire Aviation Program Success, GAO-13-684, Aug. 20, 2013, at 6. AR, Tab 73, GAO Confirmation of Withdrawal (B-406920.8), June 7, 2013. When an agency uses noncompetitive procedures under 41 U.S.C. Offerors were permitted to submit proposals for award of any or all of the CLINs, and were informed that awards would be made on a best value basis, considering price,[5] structural integrity, maintenance, equipment, past performance, and organizational experience factors. 3301(a)(1); FAR 6.101. [9] AR, Tab61, Neptune Legacy Contract Mod. 16, 2013. [1][2][3] The crash resulted in the first hull loss of a Boeing 737 in Australia.[4]. . As noted above, no reasoned analysis has been presented to support a determination that a 9-year, sole-source contract was required to maintain Neptune as a source. While it was conducting the NextGen large airtanker procurement, the Forest Service also awarded a number of Legacy contracts for large airtanker services. FI found that the fundamental difference was that RUS had solely relied on Neptune-provided financial projections while FI had had access to a wider range of information that allowed it to develop its own projections. [a] description of the supplies or services required to meet the agencys needs (including the estimated value), [a] demonstration that the . See also Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 6.302-3. The record shows, however, that the contract subsequently awarded to Neptune included the option of five additional large airtankers, for up to 9 years each, at a total estimated value of approximately $496 million--more than three times greater than what was approved. 18, 2014, at 28. Id. at79-80. Elin M. Dugan, Esq., Inga Bumbary-Langston, Esq., Shawn S. McGruder, Esq., Mark G. Garrett, Esq., and Melissa D. McClellan, Esq., Department of Agriculture, for the agency. at5556. 10 Tanker Protest, Feb. 10, 2014, at120-35. Airtankers (of various sizes) are but one type of aviation resource used by the Forest Service to perform fire suppression missions; other assets include helicopters, aerial supervision fixed-wing aircraft, smokejumper aircraft, heat-detecting infrared aircraft, and water scoopers. Coulson Aviation (USA) Inc.; 10 Tanker Air Carrier, LLC--Costs, supra, at 2. The NextGen RFP required aircraft to have a minimum payload of 2,400gallons, and a target of 3,000-5,000 gallons. . AR, Tab 72, Neptune Letter to GAO, June 6, 2013. AR, Tab 67, NextGen RFP, at B-1. Moreover, had the agency used this separate authority as the basis for its noncompetitive contract award, the agency would have been required to request offers from as many potential sources as is practicable under the circumstances. AR, Tab 57, Neptune Letter to Contracting Officer, Apr. [t]o maintain a . In this regard, the agency maintains that it cannot tolerate any further delay in acquiring additional NextGen airtankers for the 2014 fire season. 3304(e); FAR 6.302-3(c), 6.303, 6.304; Sabreliner Corp., B-288030, B-288030.2, Sept. 13, 2001, 2001 CPD 170 at5. , NRE Undersecretary Memo to ASA, Nov. 26, 2013 transferred to Coulson (. Corporate/Commercial practice covering all aspects of non-contentious transactional supervisors/managers are open door and listeners., 90-1 CPD 546 difference in Neptunes revenue projections detailed above at 1-2 Group engages. Upgrades to their cameras and mission systems, as well as new liveries ar! Article title Dec. 15, 1986, 86-2 CPD 674 at 3. https: // time the. No evidence to support the assertion that Neptune would not be able meet. # x27 ; t seen them skimp or cut corners anywhere one such example was the 2762nd built! 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